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Grease - Waxx Radio


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We are doing Grease in march next year.


We would like a track for when the audience enter that is a radio station with various songs jingles etc. Just like they do in the Tour?



Has anyone done this?


What Songs would you include that are appropriate for this era?



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Track wise late 50s early 60s,stuff like the dixie cups.platters big bopper, little richard that sort of thing


the tracks on this LP would be a good starting point http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Happy-Days-Compilation-K-Tel-Checker-Vee-Crystals-/390343205760 nothing to do with me,although I do have a copy sitting in the vynal collection

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Hundreds of 50s compilation albums exist from odd cover versions to fully restored original masters. Look anywhere from supermarkets to DJ stores (Mastermix 50s series). You would probably have to do your own jingles and voices.


mastermixdj.com and search Grandmaster 60s Party £15.32 could help.

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I hate to be a scrooge but are you using the Samuel French License, using the original script?


If you are using this license im afraid you cant use any logos, music (not in the provided music list) or jingles from the west end or touring productions.


We wanted this for our production of grease but due to the licensing of things we werent able to use any logos, music or jingles which is what you have found.



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Sam French do not provide a licence in the UK for Grease anymore. It has been passed over to Theatrical Rights Worldwide. We have mentioned this to them and they did not say yes we can do it or no we cannot. But I am planning on creating our own version of the jingle.



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Grease is still obviously a high value professional show, the rights will be expensive and the rights owners will persue infringements to preserve that value. SO be careful that you will operate within the terms of your performance licence. You may only perform the version that you have a licence for, and you may not add or subtract bits from the pro stage show or the film.
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In an ideal world I would suggest you record the character Vince Fontane doing intros and various other bits and then intersperse it with the relevant music extracted from the nearest compilation album. Not only is this the dramatically correct way to do it, but your preshow DJ will have the same voice that appears later in the show in several key places as well as singing Dance Contest and High School Hop.


Check out the terms of the theatres PRS agreement first however.

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hi if it helps we have just finished grease and I think I may still have the full intro music with all the adds and waxx jingles on it lasts 45 mins in total I will have a look for you this week and get back to you


Any look in finding this track?



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