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Lampy or Lampie


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If I had to write it down I'd put 'lampy'. The rules, as I remember it is that common nouns use y if a consonant precedes the y - if it's a vowel, it's an ie. However, loads of technical terms mess this up, like camera dolly and dollies - where the plural then gets the ie. So lampy and lampies seem to be the correct usage?
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If I had to write it down I'd put 'lampy'. The rules, as I remember it is that common nouns use y if a consonant precedes the y - if it's a vowel, it's an ie.

I'd agree, though with the English language, rules are ALWAYS there to be broken!!





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I'd actually spell it Lampie, because it looks more like an informal noun derived from the job description, than Lampy which looks more like an adjective.


He is a tech-ie - vs - This AV rig is a bit too tech-y for most people to understand

He works as a road-ie - vs - This track is more roady than the lane we drove here on


Normal nouns (not to be confused with Proper nouns requiring a capital letter), generally use a "Y" ending such as assembly, fairy, party, potty.


Adjectives use the Y ending rather than IE: extremely, dirty, sexy (Hmm, sounds good!....) http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif

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Sorry - I don't accept technician (or technician) as a proper word, and it will never leave my lips. I've no idea why, but I simply cannot stand the word. Not rational, but I find it nearly as 'sucking a lemon' as the C word!


C word ? Cast ? Choreographer ? ;)


I guess I've just always been used to 'technicians' or 'techs' Personally I feel it's an acceptable (and informal) abbreviation of Technicians.


As far as the spelling goes I think mutley hit it on the head :)

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'tech' is acceptable, 'technician' annoys me and somehow sounds slightly patronising- something a completely non-technical person uses to refer to someone technical.


E2C: for some reason I wrote 'technician' rather than 'technician' as being the thing that annoyed me.


BR changes "T-E-C-H-I-E" and "T-E-C-H-Y" to "technician", so this may cause some confusion when posting replies!

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