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Using Scrollers with a Zero 88 Jester 24/48


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I wonder if anyone can give me some advice please? I'd like to use three Rainbow 2/16 scrollers with a Zero 88 Jester 24/48 (which I've not tried before). Looking at the manual, it says that although auxiliaries can be assigned to a channel fader, their information can't be stored in cue data, so... is it still possible for me to scroll slowly just by using the fader? I'd be very grateful for any help anyone can offer.


Many thanks :)

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Yes of course you can control them just using a channel fader. Just softpatch the channel fader to the starting address of the first scroller - and so on.When you have set your state and recorded it - thats done! Its in the memory.


Dont forget of course that the fade time will determin the speed of the scroll. So if you go from frame 1 to frame 12 in 2 seconds it will be quite noisey! But then if you had that as a memory with no lamp on running over 10 seconds or so then it would be nice and quiet.


What I tend to do with scrollers on desks like that is program auto follow on's - so once the light has gone out, then the scrollers quietly move to their next Q.

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I don't think the jester can do followons .. can it ?


I do the above though it does require a bit of remembering where the scrolls were.


I have some chroma qs which are great but they do take up 2 channels, 1 scroll 1 fan and speed, which I do actually use mid show for silencing the fans when it is a quiet solo number.

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Thank you very much! This if perfect :) I made my scrolls up especially bearing in mind the noise and speed so I shouldn't have to move between more than two frames. Your help is very much appreciated. Thanks again.
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Not that I have ever done it... <_< but a note to say that if you happen to dip the masters down surprise, surprise the scrollers will dip, (same goes for black out button)

And if the gels aren't in place properly you sometimes get an unexpected gel floating down from the grid

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Yeah, I should of added - but its already been mentioned- if your making up your own scroll then you can 'pre-fix' in Q order.


The only time I have used scrollers on a Zero Desk, they were stock scrolls so I just had to lump it! ** laughs out loud **

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