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PA speaker recomendations


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Right then... We currently have a set of horrid Skytec Pa speakers. One has recently developed a damaged tweeter. Ive looked into replacing the tweeter but cant match the parts currently used. This means I have two options... The first is to replace the tweeter in both units with new matching ones. The other option is to add a little more money to the cost of the tweeters and buy a replacement set of PA speakers...


Does any one have any suggestions or examples of what speakers would be best to look for? I'm on a tight budget of around £300-£400. So far Ive looked at various behringer units and the studio spares range but having not heard them im unsure what to go for.


Any suggestions / advice or example would be greatly appreciated.



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Also, active or passive? If you're after active then that sort of money wont buy much. I've heard some good things about some of the W audio plastic boxes, never heard them in action though they may be worth a look.
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sorry, should have clarified. Im looking for passive speakers for quite a generalized use. Things such as the summer fair, sports day, some basic music events for no more than 200 people. The size of the area I need to cover is similar to that of two football pitches maximum.
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two football pitches!!!


That's a HUGE area. Look at the kind of installation you have at a proper football ground. Of course, there, they need to get over the volume of the crowd, but apart from the American installation in the recent topic, a pair of speakers for this kind of area is really pushing it. Volume wise, you are going to have to be VERY loud at the speakers, to be heard at the distances you're talking about. A couple of speakers on stands isn't really much cop for something this big. That said, I suspect any of the popular plastic 10 or 12 inch cabinets will do the job ok, if you don't want stunning sound and want cheap and simple. This is actually exactly what I can hear out of my window! A big school sports field half a mile away. Sports day is today, and they have a pair of what looked like EV300s on sticks facing the field, next door to the marquee. The trouble is it's facing into the wind, so when I parked outside (collecting mail from the depot next door) it was pretty quiet - but here it is perfectly understandable. Schools tend to work on the 'if it makes a noise' it's fine principle.

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two football pitches!!!


That's a HUGE area...... Schools tend to work on the 'if it makes a noise' it's fine principle.


Thats the criteria ive been given. The skytec we have are just that, loud and horrid. when we use them for sports day they throw a fair distance though they are some what lacking in SQ...

Im trying to find something that will be loud enough for the likes of the sports day events but still sound a little respectable when there used for the smaller out door music concerts (around 100 people in audience in a small sapce)

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