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Shownet and MagicQ PC


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I have two laptops here - one running XP and the other running Windows7 64bit. Both are running MagicQ PC. The XP one happily communicates with a Strand SN110 node both via a web browser and outputting from MagicQ PC. They both work correctly with an Enttec USB Pro


However, the W7 one won't make the node output DMX. W7 communicates with the configuration port (via a web browser) but never outputs any DMX from MagicQ. Same network, same settings in MagicQ (as far as I can see) and I've done stuff like shut down and disconnect the XP laptop and boot up the W7 from scratch just to be on the safe side. This is not mission critical as I was just experimenting but I would like to know what's wrong.



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Have you turned off all the firewalling in Windows 7? I've had enough issues in the past just getting built in stuff like SNMP to work on Server 2k8, let alone stuff that's independent of the OS.

Good suggestion so I tried it, but to no avail. Actually the Windows firewall isn't on as I have the Norton stuff but I turned it off and still see no DMX.


could it be the version of win 7 your using?


That's a possibility - I'm only running the home version - but MagicQ runs OK and outputs to the Enttec dongle, and the networking works OK to the extent that I can get through to the configuration pages.


Is there anyone out there who actually has this combination working?


Thanks for the suggestions so far



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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry, I know it's bad practice to bump up comatose topics but I have had another bash at getting this to work and am still mystified. Maybe someone from Chamsys could confirm whether it should work or whether I am just banging my head against an immovable brick wall???



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99% likely that its your network setup within MagicQ if thats the case. Double check that the network interface on your W7 PC matches configuration with what you've setup in MagicQ.
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Thanks Wol but I'm afraid it's not the solution. I am guessing that the Windows network config is causing the problem as I can see the network activity (on the lights on my switch) as soon as MagicQ starts up. Have tried disabling all the Norton protection without success. I checked with netstat -a -b and the one difference I can see between the two computers is that on the good one port UDP 4910 is open by magicqpc.exe and on the bad one it isn't but this may be a red herring. Anyway, I only have use of the Shownet node until Thursday so I guess I'll have to give up and get on with some proper work! It would have been nice to use as a test tool but, as I said originally, it's not mission critical.


Thanks for your help anyway. I may not have bought any Chamsys hardware yet but I continue to expound its virtues!



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Thanks Wol but I'm afraid it's not the solution. I am guessing that the Windows network config is causing the problem as I can see the network activity (on the lights on my switch) as soon as MagicQ starts up. Have tried disabling all the Norton protection without success. I checked with netstat -a -b and the one difference I can see between the two computers is that on the good one port UDP 4910 is open by magicqpc.exe and on the bad one it isn't but this may be a red herring. Anyway, I only have use of the Shownet node until Thursday so I guess I'll have to give up and get on with some proper work! It would have been nice to use as a test tool but, as I said originally, it's not mission critical.


Port 4910 is a MagicQ port, rather than a shownet port, so I'd doubt that thats making any difference.


Have you tried Wireshark to see whats happening on the network at all?

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Success! There was a combination of finger trouble and trying to rush Windows into making changes. The real killer was that I had somehow configured OutUni to be Show 2 instead of Show 1. In my haste to try different ways of connecting I also got caught by the fact that my 100baseT connection has an address 1 up from the wireless connection. And the final gotcha was that when I went back to the wireless connection (which I normally use in the workshop) I had to reboot my laptop before MagicQ would connect to the SN110.


Anyway, it was successful in the end and for reference if anyone finds this thread later on, MagicQ PC really does drive an SN110 node over a wireless network on Windows 7/64bit.


Have you tried Wireshark to see whats happening on the network at all?


Thanks Wol, and thanks also for introducing me to Wireshark - what an awesome tool that is!



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Thanks Wol, and thanks also for introducing me to Wireshark - what an awesome tool that is!


Tis incredibly helpful to debug networking stuff like this. It even has the various protocol filters for artnet/acn. Not sure about the shownet though!


glad to hear you got it working :)

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