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Long Throw lighting

Jake R

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I do try to be as honest as possible.I think my wording isn't correct.




Moving the fixings for your lanterns, amending SSoW's and choice of access equipment is

All of that is the site teams job, I have asked before to put a few holes in the wall but it was shot down. Can't see why I can't I have put up street lighting on the wall in tech.


Don't be upset, tell us who you are and what authority you have and we will all try to help with that in mind.


As per my signature I'm the one who's left in charge of the technical side of all productions. Gulp.

This is where my duty stops-Anything to do with the lighting tower. Apart from that the rest of the show is down to me.


You might well just want to know what lanterns to use but we need to be careful as to what we suggest, how the suggestions are implemented and the ramifications of those suggestions. The phrase to remember is "responsible adult", which BR members try their best to fulfill and from which you are legally exempt.


Thank you.

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Jake, I think you have learnt a valuable lesson here. By creating a made up job title for your college you have angered users and industry professionals - I am sure your college would not be too keen you using your lovely posting signature on external sites.


Many many students seem to make this mistake with their lighting businesses and grand titles...


Be more honest and you will go further...


Good luck

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Right thats gone then, But it's true I'm left in charge of 4 other students who as me do the lighting and sound. Our music teacher directs the actors and I direct the technicians.

While the proper tech support are out fixing printers and projectors.

The problem is you would have to meet me to know my knowledge and really find out who I am.


you can call our tech support team, ( I will have to check first) They will give you enough info to make your mind up on me.

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As per my signature I'm the one who's left in charge of the technical side of all productions. Gulp.


Sorry mate your level of skill and knowledge is irrelevant - you simply can't be 'in charge' of anything as a student in a school. You may be doing this kind of work but in law some member of staff will be, or should be, supervising you. You should not be doing anything like this without a member of staff present and fully aware of what you are up to.


Now here is a thought I'd leave you with. Back in around 1993 after some incident or other the county in which I was teaching at the time obtained counsel's opinion (look it up) on the extent that staff at a school could be seen to be supervising children outside the classroom but on the school site. It was suggested that if a pupil was injured doing something on site outside lesson time any member of staff on the site at the time - whether they were aware that the pupil was present or not and whether the pupil had any business being where they were - could be held responsible. This was as far as I can recall not proved to be the case as it happens but it made a lot of us teachers think about what was meant by supervision and the real meaning of 'in loco parentis'.


I don't want to stop you doing anything - but please clear it first!


As it happens I feel sorry for you and your generation when I think back to what we used to do in the 1960s/70s at school where a mate and I were always up the platform ladder with no member of staff in sight. But back then folk didn't sue at the drop of a hat and at 16 we were over school leaving age anyway!

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Sorry mate - you simply can't be 'in charge' of anything as a student in a school. You may be doing this kind of work but in law some member of staff will be, or should be, supervising you. You should not be doing anything like this without a member of staff present and fully aware of what you are up to.


We do have supervision by our music teacher+ other, before I do anything I check first with tech support.


Now here is a thought I'd leave you with. Back in around 1993 after some incident or other the county in which I was teaching at the time obtained counsel's opinion (look it up) on the extent that staff at a school could be seen to be supervising children outside the classroom but on the school site. It was suggested that if a pupil was injured doing something on site outside lesson time any member of staff on the site at the time - whether they were aware that the pupil was present or not and whether the pupil had any business being where they were - could be held responsible. This was as far as I can recall not proved to be the case as it happens but it made a lot of us teachers think about what was meant by supervision and the real meaning of 'in loco parentis'.

I know that. In tech where we have to leave if there is no teacher in the room.

I don't want to stop you doing anything - but please clear it first!

Always do.

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Just to be clear Tim, I am not angry, upset, miffed or anything with Jake. I am actually in a rare good mood today despite everything.


The principles are the thing and advice to students is of necessity somewhat different to advising a "worker". I am in sympathy with him in his frustration at being unable to do the things he wants to do but that is part of being young. (Or very old like me!)

What concerns me more is that someone, probably a teacher, has allowed short-cuts to develop which as far as my H&S head is concerned is unacceptable. It also seems that students are being asked to solve problems and perform tasks which necessitate taking decisions that they are not legally allowed or have the experience to make.


If I were angry, which I am not, it would be with teachers in general who seem to think that they are somehow exempt from rules and realities that cover everyone including them. They are failing in their duty to the most important sector of society, the next generation.

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upset, miffed or anything


Sorry :(


The principles are the thing and advice to students is of necessity somewhat different to advising a "worker". I am in sympathy with him in his frustration at being unable to do the things he wants to do but that is part of being young. (Or very old like me!)[/color]]


What do you mean?


What concerns me more is that someone, probably a teacher, has allowed short-cuts to develop which as far as my H&S head is concerned is unacceptable. It also seems that students are being asked to solve problems and perform tasks which necessitate taking decisions that they are not legally allowed or have the experience to make.


I take short cuts to my own accord, I do take the stick for doing it later.


This is where if you knew me better. if you did, you would know that I'm very able to do things like this- YES the truss was a stupid idea, That was only because it had to fit in the back of a car.

NO I dont have a lot of experience. But I have some it might be a tiny bit, but it's still some.

Heres just a little bit of my background, I started this at the age of 10.


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This is where if you knew me better. if you did, you would know that I'm very able to do things like this- YES the truss was a stupid idea, That was only because it had to fit in the back of a car.

NO I dont have a lot of experience. But I have some it might be a tiny bit, but it's still some.

Heres just a little bit of my background, I started this at the age of 10.



Sorry, am I mistaken but your website is about collecting street lights since the age of 10, all very lovely I'm sure but in no way gives you the experience as a schoolchild to supervise others and certainly not to create a fake signature as Head Technician of your college in entertainment lighting.

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Oh, cut the kid some slack. Every child that ever played a part in a production (technical, non-technical, executive, non-executive) will think himself important. Feeling responsible in some capacity is part of growing up - it's an evil paradox: schools encourage students to take an active role in extra-curricular activity, while trying to ensure that the child remains safe in doing so. Few drama teachers take a keen interest in the implementation of technical elements beyond that of a director, except to ensure that those to which the task has been delegated are suitable, responsible adults.


In respect of the forum, it's not a matter of like, dislike, anger or frustration. Sadly, the world that we live in demands everybody to cover their own backs, and Kerry is right in preventing the conversation from continuing for the good of other users, as - given the relative knowledge and experience of the OP - there is a good chance that a suggestion will be misinterpreted and implemented poorly, subsequently resulting in serious injury.


I too am young and, as a general statement, I find it very frustrating when young people use this forum A without being blindly obvious in their intentions, B without a thought for spelling and grammar and C in a relaxed manner - as somebody else said, this is a "forum for industry professionals", not a cast-off of Friends Reunited.

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Is it just me or do I get the impression the music teacher supervises from the staff room? And do I get the impression that the OP has been "promoted" to some high office as part of a "I can't be arsed to sit and watch whatever stuff the pupils are getting into so I'll make Jake IC Lampie and he can sort out his mates"?


Admitting you take short cuts then take the stick afterwards makes me despair why you are taking shortcuts anyway. Has anyone showed you how to do a task without needing to take a shortcut? Then there was mention of you putting holes in a wall but you can't see why you must not.


Your best bet, seeing as you are obviously quite keen, and probably have the skin of a rhino, is to look for a local theatre, or perhaps an amdram group, who will, if you are fortunate, show you more than you could ever learn at school. However, the golden rule amongst us old blokes (anyone a few years older than you btw) is that you youngsters are to listen to all our crap old blokes' jokes and do exactly what is asked of you.


You will not be expected, or encouraged, to do dangerous stuff, like thinking, until they are sure you understand everything you have been taught and know what you are doing.


You might think this is harsh comment but some of us speak from bitter experience of having a nineteen year old alleged "expert" foisted on us...we are still sorting out the "fffups" to this very day. His (our) problem was that he could not conceive he was NOT an expert and any attempt to teach him better fell on deaf ears. We now learn he has been kicked out of most of the local theatres for exactly the same reasons.


You really, really do not want to end up like him.

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