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1950's props and furniture


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Anyone got any good recommendation for 50's period props and furniture? Am working on a shoestring budget and production is set in a 50's office - so need things like typewriters, a telephone, a radio.. if anyone has got any ideas it'd be really appreciated!







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Charity shops sometimes have these sorts of things but you will have to seek them out. 1950's phones are at a bit of a premium as they get fitted with tone diallers and sold for between £50 and £100, but you can sometimes find unmodified ones on FleaBay. Do you have a local Amdram group that does period plays as you may find they have one 'in the cupboard' you can borrow for a fee, return favour etc.
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Maybe you could hire a "scene setter" piece and fudge some of the rest of the clutter! A&M Hire amhire.c.... will have something but not budget things.


50s was however still a "make do and mend" time so WWII era stuff was still in use. Maybe something from the WWII re-enactor world would help. Search (for) WWII re enactor forums

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ebay is offten good for a bargin. The national theatre are good for period props but are not allways cheap. also the drama school such as mountview, rada, lamdam, central have props store and often have period peices so they are worth a trya nd will often lend things out and are reasonably cheap
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You might try a glance at the V&A website for gen on period kit.


I gather the V&A is something of an expert, as you might recognise, on "period" displays.


When I was training to do Audio Described Performances, we had all sorts of period costume plates for learning how to describe the costume. I recall some of the plates were courtesy of the V&A and as you might imagine they do have some notion of what's what from a particular period.


Or, were you to scour charity shops not only for 50's kit but old VHS tapes of period drama. Might be worth a punt. Lastly have you any old folk in the family/neighbourhood who are old enough to have worked in a 50's office?

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