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glass... but not glass


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Hey ho.....


I'm looking for a new material that looks a bit like glass -- if it exists!

Ideally see through - but a little bit frosted would be fine.


This is for putting in a door (that happens to be on wheels). A single free-standing door.


It would be good if it could smash or maybe even tear. - it's for dance (as ever my requests are) so shards not ideal...but obviously something that could be worked around while the piece is being created.


I've considered sugar glass - but for a years worth of touring - including foreign touring - I'm not even going to entertain the idea - not even to make it.


Anyone put anything like this up before... im; a bit stumped - hence hoping that there may be new products on the market I haven't encountered yet..


cheers all....



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Hey ho.....


I'm looking for a new material that looks a bit like glass -- if it exists!

Ideally see through - but a little bit frosted would be fine.



How about the packaging material used for rice, pasta & stuff. You know the one, it won't tear this way, it won't tear that way, all of a sudden it does tear, not where you expect, and you end up with 2lbs of rice on your feet.


You could probably glue it into your frame and strategically weaken it to avoid the problems indicated above, and also persuade it to look like shards.


Don't know where you could buy it though, or which plastic it is; you could try a Google for "food packaging"...

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  • 2 weeks later...

The material used in film and television is a polymer that is extremely brittle (much more so than glass). In particular, the fragments do not form the sharp edges that glass does. You would need special handling and storage arrangements to tour successfully.


A thin film, stuck to the frame with double-sided sticky tape (or Gaffa!) can be stretched with the heat from a hair drier. You would have to experiment to find a thickness that the twirlies can tear through, though.


I recall coming across a DIY secondary double glazing product based on this principle a few years ago.





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Off at a tangent, I did once see (L&SI ?? ) a system of smoke constrained in a laminar airflow used as a walk through projection screen. Project a door onto it and you have a walk/dance through door. No sharp edges, no shards, no transit problem.
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Is it my mistake, or is there something called sugar glass? I remember the bottles and glasses you smash over peoples heads are something like that?


Maybe if I am correct, you can buy a big payne of it and break it like you would above; but on a larger scale?

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I've considered sugar glass - but for a years worth of touring - including foreign touring - I'm not even going to entertain the idea - not even to make it.


it's for dance (as ever my requests are) so shards not ideal.


Sugar glass is a no.

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