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New Cadac Console....


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So I'm flicking through the pages of the current Pro Sound News.... hmm.. what's new at prolight and sound? well... the usual, new speakers that look like the old ones.... new mics that do the same thing as the old ones... BUT - what's this? Cadac releasing a new compact digital console! Aah, that's nice - classic british manufacturer of beautiful consoles, revered by theatres the world over... so nice that those nice Chinese people saved them and allowed them to keep making lovely expensive boards with real wood in them. Turn the page.. hmm, how odd... that new Studiomaster digital console looks just like the Cadac...


'Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.'


It's the same board.


Either Studiomaster got really really nice overnight since churning out cheap chinese gear for the last however many years or it's RIP Cadac.

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Indeed, but I wasn't expecting the only difference between them (at least from what can be inferred from pictures) to be a coat of paint.


If I find out that that wooden part is MDF with veneer, I will book a ticket to Frankfurt for the sole purpose of staging a sit-in protest on the SoundKing stand :D

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