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Survey on installations


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I would just like to add this survery to the forum and see how many responses I get. It is very short and litterally only takes a mineute (you don't have to write a essay on the last question). It only contains 5 questions and is in aid of work set for the business unit for a Diploma in Music Technology.


Linky: Survey


I have adapted this to a larger area as it was asking before of the need in Leicester alone, therefore I have added a question at the start.


Many thanks in advance,


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It's a strange survey this one. Bear in mind that in this forum a larger number of people than usual are PA installers. The survey assumes that one is not a professional installer.


And it's a bad start to misspell the word 'professional' in the survey - there's only one effin professional round here!

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It's a strange survey this one. Bear in mind that in this forum a larger number of people than usual are PA installers. The survey assumes that one is not a professional installer.


And it's a bad start to misspell the word 'professional' in the survey - there's only one effin professional round here!



I would like to first apologise for the misspelling of "professional", I know it shouldn't really get me out of the situation but I'm dyslexic but I will make sure I learn that one!


Re: the survey being strange for most of the users is because I haven't designed the survey directly for you guys (and gals). I just needed to get as many people to complete the survey so that I can use it within my coursework and have more "accurate" results. I have to complete all the necessary documents and go through all the hoops of starting a business, which has to include some form of market research.


I just want to say that I won't be using this for anything else except this project and am not looking at starting up one personally.


Thank you again for answering my survey anyway! I really appreciate it.





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Rule#1 on the Blue Room. NEVER claim dyslexia as an excuse for sloppy spelling and checking. We have some long serving and severely dyslexic members on here who nobody knows who they are - because they make sure their posts are correct. Using dyslexia to explain it away is a bit of an insult to people who suffer from it.


A questionnaire without a purpose is pointless because what does it produce as a conclusion? Nothing at all. If the survey is for non-professionals, then getting us to fill it in screws it up badly. What conclusions has it produced so far then? You also don't know how many people actually are professionals, so you can't split the answers up either.




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And to further bias your results, there are people like me who take work subcontracted from PA installers... in my position I am strangely enough in favour of them too. To get meaningful results you need to ask the right questions.


All of you posting surveys here should watch this first and think about how weak surveying can be in gathering information:

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Well I made it as far as question 3 before I gave it up. I think 'an installed P.A system' is a better answer for no. 5. Or failing that 'world peace and ever lasting life' although I have often been accused of having high expectations before now.

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No you will probably find that your tutors are actually teaching you and you are learning.

Neither of you want to waste your time on meaningless surveys. :** laughs out loud **: :** laughs out loud **:



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No you will probably find that your tutors are actually teaching you and you are learning.

Neither of you want to waste your time on meaningless surveys. :** laughs out loud **: :** laughs out loud **:




Yet the sad fact is Gerry, that if he'd asked the BR a different set of questions, he may have been able to compare our answers with the ones he asked in OP, which may have privided interesting results.


As for the survey......I don't think he's learning much!

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