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A&H iDR8


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Hi all,


We use an A&H iDR8 to control 6 sets of inputs and zoned outputs, with a PL6 fader controller as well.


Most of the time it runs absolutely fine, but just occasionally it seems to "crash" where, if you hit a preset, it will change to that preset but not let any signals into the unit or out. On the iDR8 system manager software it still shows the faders moving as you move them on the PL6, but with no signals - almost as if the XLR's were disconnected.


Just wondering if anyone had experienced this. We've got another unit which has run for 5 years without this problem, and a bit stumped. Only way to resolve it is to restart the unit, which is a minor pain.


Will run a software update on it, but fairly sure its quite up to date.


Any ideas greatfully received - just wondering if theres anything obvious I missed!



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Yeah, I'm gonna give them a ring/email tomorrow, I just don't know the software particularly well, so didn't want to look a tit! (Spent a lot of friday trying to work out why it was going back to the default preset every 10 seconds after changing it, turns out its a function I accidently enabled!)
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Does the problem occur EVERY time you select a preset, or is it just on occasion? Also, when the fault occurs, are the mutes on the inputs/outputs shown as enabled in System Manager? Also worth checking the channel gains and the routing matrix. If these have changed then the preset(s) is at fault and is not storing all the relevant parameters.


Remember that you have to specifically select which functions/parameters to include in each preset. Missing an important one can produce some odd results when that preset is selected or the system is reset.



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Entirely random as far as I can see.


It was left running during the christmas break, I popped into change some compression settings and it was fine. Couple of days later, showing the bar manager the altered settings and it was fine. The morning after, had a call from a supervisor, no sound whatsoever. Nothing had changed to my knowledge. My only possible theory is there is also a PL8 unit wired in for fire cut-off, and if that is programmed wrongly to mute everything, that is a possibility. I'm fairly convinced it only changes the preset though to evacuate.


It's only done it twice or so in 6 months, but quite annoying not being able to explain it!

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