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Gobo for Hogmanay


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Realistically there is no chance that the gobo will arrive on time from far away. However if you have trade friends within personal collection distance then you might get something suitable out of their collection of used gobos.


My last rush gobos arrived ten days after the event,

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So following up on that, who in Glasgow(ish) stock gobos?

I'm sure that ANY of the main players - regardless of location - will happily courier you anything overnight if they have it in stock. Even in the current weather situation.

It just depends whether the gig having that gobo is worth the extra cost.


Despite all the doomsayers bemoaning delayed deliveries from the likes of Amazon etc, I've had no less than 3 deliveries (no - make that FOUR) this week from different commercial suppliers which arrived in normal expected timescales despite the fact that we apparently have more snow at the moment than much of the Northern half of the UK).

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I assume you have tried all the big people up there? (blacklight etc.?)

That's what I'm asking. Names of the big players.


I know of the Warehouse, Blacklight and Northern Light in Edinburgh, but who is in Glasgow, just in case I need to pick up?


Colin C

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I apologise if I am stating the obvious, but in a moment of panic, it is sometimes not that easy to think laterally....


What lantern is this gobo for? I *believe* that some of the Pacifics can use Acetate sheet gobos? Not sure about the technicalities of it though... Or how about a data projector - again, not ideal, but possibly something to think about!


Of course if you have already thought of these, then I shall wind my neck in and get back to my mince pies!

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