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Pearl shape generator

PAL lighting

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Hi Guys,


I am having problems with my shape gen on my pearl 2004, for some reason no matter what shape I pick the heads go into a very tight circle type shape with abosolutly no control over it. :angry: Has anyone else experienced this or have any suggestions on how to fic it?? :P



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Best guess is you don't have a shape file for some reason. SG.DAT can be found on any of the standard personality disks. Download one if you don't have any, extract to floppy and place in console. System/[utilities]/[Load Shape File]. Soft reset.


See if that fixes.

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We get this with our Sapphire all the time and one of our Pearls always does this when loading from disk. The Sapphire just needs a reset to solve it but we were never able to solve the problem on the Pearl. It is fine when patching everything from a wipe all, but exhibits this behaviour when loading the standard moving light patch from disk.


May not be of great use to you but if a reset doesn't solve it then you could try patching everything from scratch after a wipe all.



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Nick has it, I reckon. Every time I've experienced this on the "old" Pearls, a reload of SG.DAT sorts it. Never really pinned down the scenario that causes it but had a feeling it was to do with patching up from certain personality disks, the compressed ones maybe.


Any personality disk (or another Pearl Show file disk I think) has SG.DAT on it.

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