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Halloween Ideas


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so, its now October. and halloween is fast approaching, and a friend of mine is have a house party for it.

and basically I am looking for any ideas to make the house look really good, to make the entrance fairly spectacular and scary (I was thinking smoke, strobes, and the door opening causing a skeleton to swing towards the person entering.


so im basically after any stories of things people have done, things people have seen, and any other cool ideas and suggestions.


I have a fair amount of sound and lighting gear that can be used for this.



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We did a Haloween party a few year ago which worked well on a small budget.


We bought a lot of 'Haloween black' from the local fabric shop (£1/m), and a good few meters of spooky lace/net they had on offer for the season. This was then pinned around most of the downstairs, with the net across the opening which we then slit to allow access!

I decided not to fill the house with smoke, but hid pin spots & mini strip lights wherever I could, uplighting the cloth; and a dark green gel over the kitchen light. With a few pumpkin candles from local pound shop, and hanging bats etc we had a great night (ok the Haloween punch might have helped a bit as well)

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My discussion has moved on a bit to where we are going to have the use of a projector in the main room projecting some rubbish horror film haha. All the the windows will be blacked out, cotton webbing is going to be used, any other ideas? We have spoke about dropping a skeleton out of the loft hatch (which is right in front of the bathroom door)
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change the bog light for uv


I can imagine UV working well with the white webs :D


any ideas of a mechanism to make the skeleton swing via the push of a door?

I was thinking to hang the skeletons head at the point you want it to swing to, then attach something to the bottom of the skeleton to pull it horizontal with the roof. if any one has an idea as to how to make the push of the front door "lower" the skeleton down then they would be greatly appreciated, and even more so if the skeleton "resets" its position when the door is closed.


I have a clear picture in my head of what I want, but cant really explain to well in words

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Krais seems to have the idea!!! If you can get at least one UV tube in each room / hallway / kitchen etc then it'll look great!


Dont bother to much with things hanging down (unless unreachable) or it just gets trashed.


Smoke is prob not a good idea. Fire risk and also if there was a REAL fire, the extra smoke aint gonna help visbility to get people out! Haze might be nice though. Have a few light sources cutting threw it.

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Krais seems to have the idea!!! If you can get at least one UV tube in each room / hallway / kitchen etc then it'll look great!


Dont bother to much with things hanging down (unless unreachable) or it just gets trashed.


Smoke is prob not a good idea. Fire risk and also if there was a REAL fire, the extra smoke aint gonna help visbility to get people out! Haze might be nice though. Have a few light sources cutting threw it.


I have a few UV Led Panels I can get my hands on, similar to these http://cpc.farnell.com/1/1/42208-light-eff...s-u-v-ledj.html

or are you talking more like these http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?Module...p;T=Module#spec ?

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any ideas of a mechanism to make the skeleton swing via the push of a door?

I was thinking to hang the skeletons head at the point you want it to swing to, then attach something to the bottom of the skeleton to pull it horizontal with the roof. if any one has an idea as to how to make the push of the front door "lower" the skeleton down then they would be greatly appreciated, and even more so if the skeleton "resets" its position when the door is closed.


Think of the door as a lever, add some pulleys and wire rope and you should have it.

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Another vote for UV's and lots of webbing!


A mate a few years back had a party and he went out and bought lots of those small, cheap, round paper lampshades.

He painted them like pumpkins, with UV react orange paint, hung them in his main room via stretched pieces of string and had two 4 ft flouries on top of a bookshelf.

The effect worked well for the kids that turned up.

It could be done better with paper mache balloons but he couldn't be bothered with the mess!



Think of colours too. You could replace some ceiling lights with green lamps/gels in one area and red gels/lamps in another.


Other things like Halloween themed fairy lights draped around help.


A few church candles in tall glass vases bunched on tables (don't go mad - remember the hazards!)


Oh, and get ready to carve out several pumpkins!

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