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Making Up Cable


When making a mains cable and you nick the insulation of the cores, do you?  

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  1. 1. When making a mains cable and you nick the insulation of the cores, do you?

    • Ignore it and carry on
    • Cut the end off and start again

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I can only imagine that for anyone who makes up a large amount of cables has all the best tools and aids to make the job easier. I am willing to bet that they also make a few less mistakes (such as nicking the core insulation) which must make things a bit less tedious.
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Surely though the actual problem of screwing the cables into the plug/socket remains - although I suppose there might be a machine to strip the insulation off the ends for you, to avoid the nicking problem.


Then again, who was the last person to use an infallible machine.

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Hi all,


Well I have made up more than a few cables in my time. When doing installation you put bare cable in and terminate later. The right tools as always helps I find everyone has there favorites. Some tools work better on different cables. The usual rule of thumb though is as always spend as much as you can on cable stripping tools. The most expensive ones do work better. There is not much you can do to help terminating screwwing or soldering, practice makes perfect apart from when you drift off.


Oh Lordy


PS always cut and start again if you are going to make up a cable then do it right heat shrink is a tempory road fix.

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I suppose if you think about it, if you cut 5 metres of TRS for a cable, and then keep nicking it, you suddenly end up with a 4.8m cable - which you may or may not reach - not ideal. So maybe that expensive cutting/stripping gear makes better sense, rather than ending up with 10 cables that look like tree roots!
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I do have a fairly good pair of wire strippers which do the cores of the trs fine, just the outer rubber is too fat for them, 1.5mm pvc cable fits in the jaws - not the ho7-rnf which is why I have been using a stanley knife as carefully as possible...
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If you've never seen them, have a look at 'Swivel blade cable strippers' (RS 296-8172) for doing jackets on large round cables. Swing it round the cable a few times to cut the outer and then pull it down the length to slit it for easy removal.
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The Aero industry is highly intolerant of nicking the cores of cables; it's just not tolerated. A mate used to work for an outfit that made/sold "Hotweezers" that would melt the sheath and then pull it off. They also sell a variety of other tools for cable prep if you are going to do a LOT of it.


Have a browse.

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I just bought a load of ready made speakon cables from cpc - one didn't work so I opened it up. someone (they're branded DAS) had forgotten to do the screw up. the exposed copper was twice as long as it should have been, the insulation was nicked to the core on each conductor. Every one I opened up was the same. Had they not been urgent they would have gone straight back! as it was, I had to remake the damn things - probably something I should have done in the first place!


Incidentally, I hate putting speakons on, and on four core one end always has to have the order reversed and it's so much of a squash with heavy cable.

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