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Techies Belt


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Hi all,


I was wondering if anyone knew where I could get (if they are made- I'm sure they are!) a technician belt. I am looking for a hard wearing black belt with lots of velcro compartments arround to put bits and bobs on and a few spaces to put mag and leatherman on.





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Hey bud.... you could try the Leatherman site they have all the holders you could need for your leatherman and mags.. you can even get combo holders ooooorrrrrr if yer in the looky for a deal try Ebay


Hope thats all of some help bud.


Becks xx


Apart from that I aint heard of anything other than having giant pockets and prayin your trousers dont fall down... However, if you've got long hair of breasts... they act as handy places to store things... Manys the time I've had a screw driver through my bobble or a biro in me boob.

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well, you should check with "Big_Gray"... who kindly posted a picture of my breasts on c-venues picture forum on yahoo..... WITHOUT my permission and who refused to remove it or delete the picture  :blink:



P.s. Nicely fits a pen or a marker


I would like to point out that randomgirlie didn't ask nicely for me to remove the picture and she can get much more than a single pen in there, more like a stationary set and a roll of gaffer!! :D

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Yes, thats right Big_Gray... I didnt ask nicely... I demanded and then attempted to grab the camera from you but as you are much taller than me..... Twas impossible, you big meanie.


However, you are correct, I can store alot down... Tis not a crime though :blink:



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Thankyou Moderator.


Back on topic...


I saw something in the latest issue of Light & sound a company that makes clothing for riggers (pg89).... erm, yeah.... I'll have to pop home for the issue though... I'll post the link on mond but they have the kinda stuff u were after like special trousers, vests, jackets and shorts and stuff....


Although I always think "specially made clothes" makes us sound abit.... well.... Incontinent.

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