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windows xp - changes being made on exit


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anyone know why my main machine goes into update mode when I try and switch it off? It's just telling me updates are being installed (1 of 3) DO not switch off or unplug. What's happening? Been like it now for 3 hours. Updates used to pop up in a box and ask - I've not changed anything. My guess is this is something that has changed during the recent service pack release.
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On the Contrary SP2 makes xp a lot more secure & stable than it was previously. As for stopping software working this is generally to do with the built in firewall & is pretty easily fixed. You can prevent these automatic updates by right clicking on My computer , selecting the "automatic updates tab" and making the relevant changes there.
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Sorry Col, agree with Mike here! Since installed SP2 system more stable & a lot more secure. Is a big download without broadband but I seem to remember some of the PC mags have it on a free disk. Big improvements in the firewall & makes more sense
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Indeed - haven't seen any XP-flakiness at home or work since installing SP2 (having said that, XP always seemed to behave better than win98 for me anyway). On broadband, I didn't even notice the background-download, and it self-installed over lunch. I bought a mag with a free CD for home just because I couldn't bear the prospect of a 3-day download at 56k, which would probably keep terminating my connection every so often just for kicks!


Annoying that it's supposed to work in tandem with most AV software, but won't talk to Norton (which must be one of the more common AV companies) properly. I particularly like the fact that it blocks web-images in emails until I say otherwise - drastically redusces the amount of scantily-clad unsightlies that appear in my daily spam-fest.


I must say I do like the irony of a massive security update being launched via the classic virus-spreading medium: the Free Magazine Cover-CD!

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Service Pack 2, takes ages to install, and is a very bad idea, dont do it!



Annoying that it's supposed to work in tandem with most AV software, but won't talk to Norton (which must be one of the more common AV companies) properly.


@ Colin: It's the best idea since Windows was released. People complain that Microsoft software is buggy, then when they release fixes, people say not to install them! I know of a network with 30 machines, all different configurations and specifications, that runs SP2 with no problems at all, not even with the built in firewall. You would be mad not to upgrade - the better security alone is sufficient reason to upgrade.


@ James: Norton have released a patch (I believe it is called the Norton WMI Update) that fixes this issue. I have Norton AV 2004, and it gets on fine with Windows. In fact, Windows now warns me when it isnt running, even though I hide the Control Center icon when all is well. Liveupdate ought to fix this issue for you - if it doesn't first time, try again!

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I have to say, typing this on my Mac, I feel quite smug that I have left the hell of Windows behind, although I am desperately trying to supress it.


Quite seriously though, I cannot really recommend Mac enough - best decision I ever maded, no significant compatibility problems that can't be resolved with the occasional use of Virtual PC.

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I was given this advice from an it manager of a large network based throughout the uk and abroad who had issues with about 15% of the network once it updated...


Also our 2003 servers automatically installed it anyway before we stopped it, it was fine for a day, then our studio machine went down, and two of the edit suites went down, took ages to startup, and had software that failed to operate properly.


So we have removed it, and all works again... We will install it in the future, but just waiting for the sp2 bugs to iron out...


Blocking web images in emails is something that Outlook 2003 does anyway, and many of the security features like intergrated firewalls are something that many networks already have 3 of running already.


Admittedly I accept that many people will install it and have no problems, most people with single or two machines running, but in my experience of the update it seemed to cause many problems...

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sp2 was installed on this machine when it first came out - the query was that it has suddenly changed it's shutdown process - I can't shut down at all now as it wants to install something new - the snag being, it doesn't actually tell me what it is installing. I just tried the automatic section, through the my computer right click - the manage function is new to me. I did find that an automatic update had actually started, so I've stopped it. Time will tell if it still tries to update instead f shutdown. Since installing sp2, it has been more stable, although the firewall doesn't like me downloading ftp from my alesis hd24 - the music machine without sp2 - nothing gets installed on that machine apart from audio software, is happy with ftp. I guess I could leave the ftp connection active and access the hd24 from elsewhere.

sorry for the bandwidth used on this - but the knowledge base is here.


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Also our 2003 servers automatically installed it anyway before we stopped it, it was fine for a day, then our studio machine went down, and two of the edit suites went down


They would do - SP2 is an XP thing, not Server 2003. I'm intrigued as to why they even downloaded it anyway - none of my 9 did it.

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Server 2003 has an intergrated application called SUS, it downloads all updates from the microsoft website for all the operating systems running in your network, and will then distribute them to the network at will or at a specified time.

This is why Server 2003 downloaded it and our network got sp2'd...

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FWIW, I have two machines (one XP Home, one XP Pro) on which SP2 installed flawlessly. Neither of them are in any way less stable now than they were before, Norton 2003 co-exists with SP2 quite happily (you just have to tell the new security-conscious XP that you're dealing with firewall issues all on your own, thanks very much), and WYSIWYG, which seems for some reason to have accquired a reputation for not liking SP2, chugs along merrily with not a care in the world. YMMV, of course ......
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Looking for something else on Netgear's site and I came across this.


Windows XP Service Pack 2 and Software Compatibility


I'm not personally having problems, but many are. A major IT organization (think global in scale, and c@ck ups for that matter) have banned SP2 at corporate level.


Oh BTW, any one know what fails on Netgear PSUs? I could replace it with a generic CPC 5V 6A supply, but at £25 it would be cheaper to buy a new 8 port switch!! :)

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"anyone know why my main machine goes into update mode when I try and switch it off? It's just telling me updates are being installed (1 of 3) DO not switch off or unplug. "



I had exactly the same problem yesterday. I just switched off the machine, then turned it back on.

It booted ok, with a little yellow shield in the system tray. I clicked on this, installed the updates and the system still seems fine.

I think the thing to do is keep an eye on the system tray to see if any updates want to install, and then install them before you shut it down.


SP2 seems to work fine on my machine. at the moment.....

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