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Making A new Multicore

Mike Courtney

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Ok! so I'm making a new multicore for a show. I'm using 2 x 100m 24 pair cables which I will join together, to give me 48 pairs.

I want to split the multi at each end so I can just plug on a stage box and at the other end plug in my tails (which will be stored in the dog box) My question to all you guys in the know is, should I go for HARTING connection or EDAC. What are the pro's and cons of each. Or is there another way? What tools are needed (if any) and in your opinions which is best. By the way the reason for the 2 cables is that I just happen to have 200m of 24 pair cable (don't ask).


Thanks guys and look forward to the replies.



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Hi Mike,


Harting and EDAC connectors are not the standard for audio signals in a live world (both would work but if I had to pick it would be EDAC) the standard connector is what is often refered to as a CEEP connector like this; http://www.vdctrading.com/products_gridvie...ductID=419#p419 using one of these will allow compatibility with hire gear if needed if you start doing things like monitor splits etc in the future.


Hope that helps,



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I'd rather have my entire hire stock swapped for pairs of damp red trousers than have to use EDAC. Harting is VERY common on multicores and whilst certainly not the most robust, and not the easiest to terminate, it's also not the most expensive.


One thing to look at is what local hire companies use. If ever you need to use one of their desks its easier to just hire it and not have to worry about tails sets, and so on. Or having the ability to hire a tails set when yours gets damaged..... or left in a desk by mistake when it goes off on hire...

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Definitely Harting out of those. EDACs are monumentally fragile and unpleasant. In my experience, Hartings are not terribly reliable, but they do make sense cost wise. At least with 24 pair cable you won't need the really huge ones (I think!). Something to consider is if you've got to feed it down any small pipes or trunking, will the large connectors fit?
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If it were me...

I'd be using round multipin connectors of the MIL C5015 standard - LKA from Link, VDM from Van Damme or Tourline from 10:47, my favourite being the 10:47 range - 24 channel multicores would require the 85 pin connectors. The main difference between these connectors and ceep, which was mentioned earlier, IMO is that the ceep connector has a threaded mating system which is fine until it sticks or someone cross threads it. The VDM, Tourline and LKA are all bayonet mating connectors.

Then you have to decide what sex the cable ends will be - some people like the cables to be female at both ends since the cable ends get bashed about and the male connectors are much more likely to get bent pins. Other people prefer to keep the signal convention correct with female at the stage and male at FOH. I prefer signal convention.

Once you've done that you have to make your stage box, I would be considering this.


It's not what most people call fun making multipins but it's fairly satisfying if you're into that sort of thing. You technically need the proper tools for crimping and inserting the pins. What I mean by technically is that you can do it without them, you can solder your pins instead of crimping and use some pliers, a small screwdriver and your leatherman to insert the pins (and remove because in 144 pins over the 4 cable connectors alone you'll probably do 1 wrong) but you run the risk of damaging the connector and weakening the pins and cables. You might be wise to see if anyone can hire you or loan you the tools since the crimp and turret are fairly costly.

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Another vote for Harting. If I was doing this, I suspect that I'd be a little crafty here. I'd use a modular stage box and have two connectors. The reason is that you could also do other neat stuff when necessary such as joining the two 100m cables together, or if you have a spare stage box, you could wire it so you can have a passive split - making the entire thing multi purpose. Getting two cables into one big housing will also be a real pain.


The nice round multiways are great - but soooo expensive.


I have edacs on one of mine, and it's a real pain. The fan out on the end is electrically reliable, but so difficult to mate and unmate now. The damn screws seem to come out despite loctite and tape and they get loose. Hartings, with the panzer heritage, don't!

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The 'Tourline' circular connectors are about half the price of the VDM connectors - CLD is about £45 for cable ends, and as little as £16 for a male 85 pin panel. We have our FOH breakouts on EDAC from our amp racks and even though we're only mating them around once a month we still get problems - usually one of the contacts pushes back into the shell and stops mating.


Edit - jumped the gun there, that's supplied without contacts - although the VDC ones are without contacts too.

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Thank you all. I have learned some much needed info from you. I think I will go for the more expensive round pin type as I want it to last....... so I'll start the long task of soldering and crimping etc. Anybody wanna help please feel free..** laughs out loud **


Thanks Again.

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If you get to the end without putting at least one pin into the wrong hole, and get the connector closed up, I'll buy you a drink! never managed it myself - so make sure you get a pin extractor tool! Did you work out how to get two round cores into one round gland?
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You could think about making two stageboxes...


Each rack has 24 XLR's with Male/Female in parallel. With a multipin in.


For the tails end prehaps put 4-8 convertercons on channels 21-24 (17-24).


This way you could use the two stage boxes seperately but bring the two racks together for bigger gigs where you need the higher input count.

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Hi Guys, quick question...


I'm looking to make up a rack for recording.

The rack will mostly be connecting to a stagebox with passive splits.

Outputs are using 85-pin VDM connectors.




Just wondering if anyone knew of cheap alternatives that I could get. The female VDC connectors are £125 each!

I've seen the phase 3 apollo connectors, but can't seem to find anywhere that sells them.


Any thoughts?

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