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Email Provider - Crazy Question


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Hi all,


Been asked to find an email provider that has an inbox that has, and will allow me to change the sound that is made when a new email is recieved.


I.e -


An email arrives in the inbox, and a sound file is played.


Like choosing a ringtone, I can choose a sound file from the computer to be played when an email is recieved.


Does anyone know a provider that will allow me to do this in their settings?

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Playing a sound when an email arrives doesn't involve your email provider, just the software you use on your computer.

I use Eudora, sadly no longer supported, which allows me to attach different sounds to different mailboxes. So my private mail has a different sound from my business mail.

But I am sure there are other software packages out there that will do the same.

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Just a point here, but DC, what are you actually asking for here?


Are you asking for multiple email accounts to be active at the same time, so a different 'ring' tone will identify the recipient?


As far as I am aware, most email accounts will only work with one user at a time, and require a 'switch user' to bring in emails from a different account. (Even if it's just the user name that is different).


As others have said though, if this is for a single account then :




Start Control Panel,

Launch Sounds and Audio Devices

Select sounds from the Tab.

Scroll down to "New Mail Notification"

Then select the sound file you want to play

Click Apply, then OK.


Hope this helps.

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As far as I am aware, most email accounts will only work with one user at a time, and require a 'switch user' to bring in emails from a different account. (Even if it's just the user name that is different).

Slightly OT, but you can set up Outlook to receive mail from a number of accounts (I currently have 4 set up, though only two get regular mail).

I don't think you can set different sounds to each, however.


Web mail though is certainly restricted to the one account you're logged on to.

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I wonder if one of the email clients would allow for a different sound based on the way you set up "Rules"? If mail from account X was moved into folder Y, then play sound Z.


Edit - It looks like Outlook 2007 will allow sounds various to be applied to rules, and flexibly too!

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Web mail though is certainly restricted to the one account you're logged on to.


Unless you're on something like hotmail, where you can configure it to download emails from other accounts from POP3 servers.....


Andrew C has got it though, under the "Rules and Alerts", select new rule, specify which filters you want to run on the email, and under the "Select actions" step*, choose "Play a sound". You can choose your own *.wav file there to play. I'd be surprised if Thunderbird doesn't have something similar.




* - Hah. "Step 1: Select a template" "Step 1: Select conditions" "Step 1:Select actions" "Step 1: Select exceptions". Good to see Microsoft can count from 1 to .... 1.

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* - Hah. "Step 1: Select a template" "Step 1: Select conditions" "Step 1:Select actions" "Step 1: Select exceptions". Good to see Microsoft can count from 1 to .... 1.


but even computer illiterates like me know that you only need to count up to one in binary.... ;) n... or am I really showing my ignorance!

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