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MAC 250 & 300 Strike problem


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I'd hazard a guess at a failed thermostat, or the cooling fans are deed. I'd look at the fans first. After that, new thermo time :huh:





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Or in fact the fans may be blocked - depending on the environment where they've been used, you may find them clogged with all sorts of rubbish.

I had a couple of Robes on hire recently with precisely that problem and I understand that they'd only been out on one hire prior to mine after they'd been serviced... The amount of fluff gathered around the fans was quite surprising.

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Take a look at the light sensors. The HOT message will be displayed if a lamp on command is sent and the fixture does not see the lamp has struck. If the lamp has struck then it is likely that the light sensor has failed or the wireset for the light sensor is broken
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is there anyway of turning the fan on manually


From memory, I couldn't say. I would have a look at the MAN menu and see if there's a setting in there that will allow the fans to be tested. I cannot for the life of me remember where Martin hide the Fan Modes that switch between Studio (slow / Intermittent) and the Always On mode.


Sorry that doesn't help much but hopefully gets you going in the right direction.





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Go into Menu scroll down ...after EFSP it comes up with STUD press enter select OFF and the fan should start to run at full speed..

We had the same thing and set all to Studio off and not had a HOT error since.

Also have a look at the base and head temps as well. This is selected from INFO enter then scroll past TIME ST then VER then you'll see HEAD and BASE.

Hope that helps!

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