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Information display screen software


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If it's a display screen running in a foyer etc, then it might be worth looking into a Digital Signage player of some description. These can be loaded with your information, RSS feeds, text ticker tapes, then set to run the right content at the right time.


Have a look at the products from OneLan (Their Net Top Boxes), and let me know if you'd like a demo as we have them in stock.

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  • 3 months later...

I've just been asked to look into installing a display screen in a school reception to show children's work, notices, etc. I initially thought, "easy, hook up a Powerpoint presentation to an LCD, job done." Simple, cheap, effective? However I've been Googling and didn't realise there was bespoke software for this purpose.


Our system is will only be 1 screen, the content probably won't be changed very often (once every 2-3 months at best). Are these digital signage companies/ software worth it or will Powerpoint do the job for these requirements?



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In our school we have used 2 systems. The first I cant remember its name but we got through elementary technology (ask for Paul Land)


Currently we are running a system called "the life channel". This allows us to play our own content as well as the life channel playing their own stuff about healthy eating and things designed for the school (you say the age range and they send the stuff)


Hope this is a good start for you!



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Onelan and sedao are the two names that immediately come to mind. Stick these names in the search box at the top of this page, and you'll find some useful discussion.


Like Andrew, I've been watching Xibo with interest. Definitely has potential.

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Onelan kit is great, and extremely flexible. If you were doing the whole school with screens, and updating it daily, then it would be worth it, though I fear the £1k+ price tag per player might be an obstacle.


Many other companies are offering 'Players' (usually some form of PC chassis with proprietary software and control through a web interface), with people like Optoma offering units.


The Xibo does look interesting though. One to watch.

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Onelan kit is great, and extremely flexible. If you were doing the whole school with screens, and updating it daily, then it would be worth it, though I fear the £1k+ price tag per player might be an obstacle.


Onelan that was it...recommended here!



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What are the advantages of these systems over the Powerpoint route?


More flexible. Remote access via web interface. Options for embedded video streams, RSS feeds (eg BBC news etc). Template-driven. Heirarchial content, so can have organisation-wide info in one window, with devolved locally-created content in another. Timed schedules , so can display appropriate content at certain time etc etc.

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Screenmonkey's not really the same thing - it's more for live presentations, although it could be coaxed into use for display screens. But not ideal.


Nice feature of the "proper" systems is devolved access - eg in our installation (across several buildings), the graphics design team control the overall look and feel. The "news" content on all screens is controlled by press office. Room bookings can add text specific to each building. Catering can update menu info for the screens located in cafes etc.

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. If you were doing the whole school with screens, and updating it daily, then it would be worth it, though I fear the £1k+ price tag per player might be an obstacle.
Remote access via web interface. Options for embedded video streams, RSS feeds (eg BBC news etc). Template-driven. Heirarchial content, so can have organisation-wide info in one window, with devolved locally-created content in another. Timed schedules , so can display appropriate content at certain time etc et

So er whats wrong with a bloody big notice board ( something for the cse woodwork class to do )drawing pins and the teachers checking the content every time they walk past?as for screens all around the school,think yerself lucky,we had a 26" in the library ,if the class needed to watch something we walked (not took a bus ) to the library armed with a suitable video tape

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