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lights from the far east


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I have had a few fixtures from the far east of ebay...smoke machine ......no good poor to use ....strobe said it was 1000watt more like 100 and a blue lazer again poor in power and nothing like it said it was are most units the same or some companys beter than others
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I'm not really sure what you're saying? If what you bought wasn't as advertised, then complain - but in general, the old maxim 'you get what you pay for' seems to apply.


Cheap fog machines and hazers don't compete with better quality ones - so yes of course, some companies are better than others, but some cost more than others too?


Strobe wise, you can measure strobes in all sorts of ways - like those tiny computer loudspeakers that state hundreds of watts of peak output, but can run off a couple of batteries. It's all to do with measurement and reading the specs. This assumes the specs are available.

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:) Hi , due to budget constraints on our parent company, we have bought a fair amount of equipment from a far east supplier.Generally, I would agree that you pay for what you get.But my experience is very possitive, you say you bought the equipment on ebay which would suggest thats its previously owned equipment.So you have no idea as to the use or abuse the equipment been subjected to.My experience is to by new, you can still make a saving and get equipment which certainly works, for example,I bought a DMX hazer for under £100, which works very well indeed.I have also bought some pc spots, which have proved themselves again & again.Hope this helps.Keep it illuminated Roy
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Buying from China (and other foreign countries) isnt a simple process - hence why you can often buy some items for what seems like a bargain on ebay when in reality you are not buying direct from the factory, instead its usually a small trading company buying locally sourced items and selling them on for a small margin. The difference between fleabay items and branded goods is all down to how the R&D & QA process is handled...! Also dont forget the guys over in China, HK, Malaysia etc are masters at creating products that look like others on the outside yet the operation/performance is nothing like the real thing.
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such a poor topic


Honestly, I dont know what the OP is saying, such an open ended question


Yes some are better than others and some are worse, this applies to the UK too


Was this worth making a topic about?

I belive its is worth talking about........a few years ago there were what seemed limited but in most cases good lighting fixtures...most par 36,56,64s and so on they all did a good job.now we have LEDs all different. scanners like the martins 218 s and 518s and otheres built like a tank all did what they said...

Now we live in different times ..we have 100s of videos of haze filled rooms with lights whirlin about and so on...maybe we should talk about whats good and whats poor and cut through all the market hype.....a poor topic you say

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If I go into my local BMW or Mercedes dealer, and pay the sort of money they want for a new car, I'll come out with a very nice vehicle.


If I track down a Perodua dealer, and pay the £4,500 they want for a new car, then I'll come out with something that's considerably less nice.


That principal applies to anything. Spend the sort of money the Martins and Robes of the world want for high-end professional kit, and you'll get a decent fixture. Spend £250 on a brand new moving head from the far East, and you're not going to be getting the same sort of thing.


It's hardly a revelation, surely?

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In defence of Chinese manufacturers you get out what you put in. Be that purchase price, design input or technical oversight. An acquaintance of mine used to spend half his time in China ensuring that the gear he got was up to UK standards and regulations, it paid him handsomely. Best gear in his field. He worked closely with several factories, their designers and production bosses and even sold his imports to his nominal competitors and manufacturers in the UK.


Fleabay is great but you get what you pay for and everyone wants a Rolls Royce for a Lada price, don't we? Just seeing a crazy low price almost guarantees that the product will be of questionable value.

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In defence of Chinese manufacturers you get out what you put in.

Indeed. I've worked with UK manufacturers who've had product made in a number of far-flung places, including Turkey and India, as well as China. As long as you are prepared to work with them and to explain just what you want you'll get a product which is at least as good as anything you can get made in Europe.

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If I go into my local BMW or Mercedes dealer, and pay the sort of money they want for a new car, I'll come out with a very nice vehicle.


If I track down a Perodua dealer, and pay the £4,500 they want for a new car, then I'll come out with something that's considerably less nice.


That principal applies to anything. Spend the sort of money the Martins and Robes of the world want for high-end professional kit, and you'll get a decent fixture. Spend £250 on a brand new moving head from the far East, and you're not going to be getting the same sort of thing.


It's hardly a revelation, surely?


A very broad brush answer when you consider that in the latest JD Power customer satisfaction survey Mercedes Benz came 6th and BMW 10th, behind the likes of Toyota, Honda, Skoda and Mazda.


Not everyone can afford or justify high end professional kit at ten times the price of the cheapo offerings, some Far Eastern kit is better than others, but it tends to be on a model by model basis rather than manufacturer by manufacturer at the cheaper end. The OP may have more joy on a DJ forum where this sort of kit is more widely used.

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:rolleyes: I would dearly love to have macs or robes etc,even in the generic fixtures it would be great to have acclaims, pacifics, source 4's etc, but we simply do not have the funding, if it were not for the likes of showtec,we would not be able to put on our shows.Is this another example of lantern snobbery? I feel this is a justifyable topic,I bought two showtec multipars, and while certainly they 're not etc quality, they are probably the best lanterns I have used and have proved to be so flexible.Yes, I admit there is good and bad in everything, I have a couple of extremely poorly engineered quartet pc, so you see its not only the cheaper end of the market, that suffers from poor quality.Keep it illuminated.Roy
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