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Leap Frog Memory fail??


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As was posted in the "most efficient way of programming moving heads" I asked another question which might not get answered because its under the wrong title...


Anyway here goes...


You can chuck the book at me (or manual hehe) if I am missing something simple.


I programmed up to cue 44 today on a leap frog desk with 4 moving fixtures and 48ch of generic lights.


At cue 30 I leant on a button I think and a note came up on the monitor "saving show X% complete"


Then later on in the day, I rebooted the desk only to find that I had lost all of my cues from 31-44.

But why did it save up to 30 and not up to 44.


There is, as far as I can find, no 'save' button on the desk so do I have to enter super user and exit it in order to save the show??

And also for peace of mind, how can I save to a floppy?


there is a way to do this and I cannot figure it out from the manual, so I dont think any RTFM's will answer my question :D


Thanks in advance guys, you do a great job!



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As was replied to in your other topic. (didn't you read it?)


It's to do with the chase speed, I don't have exact details to hand at the moment.


Check what software version your desk is running, if not the latest then it would be suggested to update to the current version.


Call Zero88 if unsure- their tech support is very good.


Regarding saving to a floppy- yes, read the manual... it's to do with backing the show up if I recall correctly.

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Sorry but RTFM is exactly the response you're going to get. Section 6 is all about Super User mode and pages 6-11 & 6-12 are about saving and loading shows to and from floppy disk. As I said in another thread only an hour or so ago, you can find the manual in pdf format here:



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Thanks for answering my saving question...


But how can the chase speed alter how the desk decides to save the scenes in the show?? Just in case, id like to point out that I have saved no chases. just static scenes.


(viking provided me with a version update floppy and that number corresponds with that on the desk, I assume this is the newest. ( I dont have the number))


Anyway im going to call viking tomorrow.

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I Too Am also having issues with out new leap frog 48. we brought it from stage electrics start of january.

First show we used it on, we lost all the memories three times.

The first time we lost them the desk did not load properly and then it came up with a load error, this had wiped all the momories. the second and third time it was mid programming, and a black screen came up with a little 'X' in the middle, the only way to get off this screen is to reset the desk, then when you reboot it comes up with load error and wipes again.

The same happened today but worse, it had wipes the cues, then when I went to load my backup off a memory stick it wiped all of the patch (fixures and generic channels too).


Anyone help with this?


And there is a save button under 'set up' then 'file options'. If we have the same desk.


Cheers x

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Have you called Zero88 Support? You know, the manufacturers? Rather than posting on the internet?



I Have Called Them, They said save error report next time it happpens, there was no option to save the error report on this. xx

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Aidan and Toby,


Please do call our tech support service tomorrow - 01633 838088 or 01633 833101. It's always best to speak to either the manufacturer or the dealer who supplied the console in a situation like this, as we can often resolve these issues with a simple telephone call.


Before you do call, it's useful to check you're running the latest release of software (version 10.12 for the "original" (older, floppy disk) Leap Frogs, and 5.3.5 for the "new" (USB, ZerOS) Leap Frog 48 & 96). Both these versions are available from our website, together with full update instructions.


If you are running the latest build of software, it would be useful if you could also email me a copy of any show files which are somehow loading incorrectly - peter.kirkup@cooperindustries.com. We can then look into what might be causing this. Note that one of the biggest causes of corrupted show files on the desks is due to the internal batteries running low - after 2-3 years this battery needs replacing and can be replaced by any Zero 88 dealer. Please contact us for details.


I look forward to hearing from you both soon and getting these issues resolved as soon as possible,




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Aidan and Toby,


Please do call our tech support service tomorrow - 01633 838088 or 01633 833101. It's always best to speak to either the manufacturer or the dealer who supplied the console in a situation like this, as we can often resolve these issues with a simple telephone call.


Before you do call, it's useful to check you're running the latest release of software (version 10.12 for the "original" (older, floppy disk) Leap Frogs, and 5.3.5 for the "new" (USB, ZerOS) Leap Frog 48 & 96). Both these versions are available from our website, together with full update instructions.


If you are running the latest build of software, it would be useful if you could also email me a copy of any show files which are somehow loading incorrectly - peter.kirkup@cooperindustries.com. We can then look into what might be causing this. Note that one of the biggest causes of corrupted show files on the desks is due to the internal batteries running low - after 2-3 years this battery needs replacing and can be replaced by any Zero 88 dealer. Please contact us for details.


I look forward to hearing from you both soon and getting these issues resolved as soon as possible,





Cheers Bud, Will give you a call tommorrow. x

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