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Most Efficient Way To Programme A Chase?


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Hello guys,


I have 2 Robe colorspot 250At and 2 Colorwash 250At

And a zero 88 fat/leap frog desk...


I am a school pupil and whilst I understand the ways of programming the lights I am seeking your advice of the most efficient way to programme movement into a chase using all 4 of the fixtures.


For example, if I wished for the lights to move in a figure of 8 shape along a blank wall would I programme the steps in this way? - Top of the 8. top right of the 8, cross point of the 8, bottom left of the eight etc etc ??


I am confused because how would you make the pattern symetrical on both sides and to have the other light in exactly the same place (symmetrically wise)...

Will the light run in a circle if you make a diamond shape out of 4 points?? or would you have to make like 30 steps to make a perfect circle?


EUGHHH im confusing myself even writing this....




Thanks in advance !!



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Yes you can do it that way....






Read the manual and look up the effects engine or whatever its called in the frog!


It creates these chases for you automatically to save you the hard work!


Ain't it nice :D



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First of all, do you have a Fat Frog desk, or a Leap Frog. In the FF there are MH 'patterns' built into the software under 'position'.


Whilst you have said that you 'understand' ways of programming, I would rephrase it slightly differently, because by the seems of your post, you don't understand how to programme moving heads, not on the mentioned desk anyhow.


I am not trying to criticise, but have a think about the way you phrase things and you may get more respect for saying 'I don't quite understand how this works' rather than the opposite.

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If your desk has built-in patterns, use them. Its much easier than trying to hand-craft your own patterns. Depending on how sophisticated your desk is, you could combine several patterns to create your own unique patterns. For example, combining a large slow-moving circle with a small fast-moving circle will create a pattern that looks like it has been drawn with a Spirograph.


As for getting your lights to be symmetrical, if they are hung an equal distance from center stage then reversing the pan on one of them will make their movements mirror each other.


Hope this helps


Moderation: We've removed a rather blunt earlier post that gyro commented on, so to avoid confusion, we've removed the quote from this one - thanks. Paul mods

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Thanks very much for a considerate answer Gyro! I will try what you said. The desk has the simple ellipsis movements etc.



And in response to Trunker's comment, it is a leap frog, I found out today, I have the manual and nowhere does it state efficiency of programming.


And yes, I do know how to programme moving heads into scenes and chases, just not the most efficient way, so thats what I was asking...

Anyway thanks to everyone that posted a pointless RTFM post. it really helped!

All you guys did have to start somewhere.


I will definitely try that gyro!





Moderation: As mentioned above - this too had some of the removed text in it - so it's gone.


I hope the tidy up sorts this one out.


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I have 2 Robe colorspot 250At and 2 Colorwash 250At




For example, if I wished for the lights to move in a figure of 8 shape


If I recall correctly, a lot of the Robe stuff has inbuilt shape generation in the head itself so you can offload some of the processing onto the fixture rather than having to rely on manually generating shapes on the desk.


If you look in the DMX chart for the fixtures, I think it comes under Pan Tilt macros. Usually somewhere near to the pan / tilt channels.

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I have 2 Robe colorspot 250At and 2 Colorwash 250At



I dont think the 250's have shape generators do they?



Don't think so, maybe he's thinking of the High End Studio Spots?


Channel 7 and 8 of : http://www.robe.cz/fileadmin/robe/download...MX%20charts.pdf


Channel 7 and 8 of : http://www.robe.cz/fileadmin/robe/download...MX%20charts.pdf


I checked those charts before posting my previous post, and as far as I know, those channels perform on board shape generation unless I've completely got the wrong idea of what they're for!

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Ok, ive got over the aforementioned issue.


But now you can really throw the book at me, or manual... whichever you deem necessary


After the tech rehersal today, I had 41 cue's for all of the scenes.


When I reached scene 30 the desk randomly popped up "saving show X% complete"

I thought nothing of it but after I had turned the desk off, booted it back up again all my cues after 30 had gone.


I had set the generic and fixture parameters that I wanted for a scene and then clicked the big red programme button.

This, as the manual suggests, saves into the memory


how come it didnt???


Thanks in advance



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This has come up before. I think it's related to changing changing chase speed. Make sure your desk software is up to date.


I dont think its to do with the chases, is there a button to save the show?


Is just the general memory of the desk I think


the desk is hired from viking stage lighting with up to date software...


Any more ideas why it didnt save???



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