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Strand Console Patch Issue


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I am trying to patch a Strand 530 console. I'm still new with it (and strand consoles in general), so bare with me.


FYI I am running the latest software version.


I have total control over the dimmers by inputting their dimmer number and such (Dimmer 1 @ full), but when I try to patch a dimmer to a channel, the channel does not send out DMX when I send it to full! I am pretty sure I am patching it right and in the patch screen it shows dimmer 1 on channel 1.


I am under the impression I am in the Live patch (not the edit patch), but in the cue stack there is the large red box reading "Unpatched Dimmers". That leads me to believe I am missing something. :)


I feel like I am too accustomed to ETC light boards and I am sure there is something stupid I am missing. If any can help that would be great!



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I am trying to patch a Strand 530 console. I'm still new with it (and strand consoles in general), so bare with me.


FYI I am running the latest software version.


I have total control over the dimmers by inputting their dimmer number and such (Dimmer 1 @ full), but when I try to patch a dimmer to a channel, the channel does not send out DMX when I send it to full! I am pretty sure I am patching it right and in the patch screen it shows dimmer 1 on channel 1.


I am under the impression I am in the Live patch (not the edit patch), but in the cue stack there is the large red box reading "Unpatched Dimmers". That leads me to believe I am missing something. :)


I feel like I am too accustomed to ETC light boards and I am sure there is something stupid I am missing. If any can help that would be great!





On Genius Pro (the operating system), when you turn something on at 'dimmer' level, it takes control away from the 'channel', essentially parking the dimmer.


To get rid of the 'Dimmers Unpatched', go into LIVE, hit [DIMMER] [DIMMER] and this will repatch the dimmers to channel.


See Chapter 5, 'Working with Channel Levels' in the 500 series user manual for more information, and for a better explanation than my late night ramblings! Ian

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Just follow what IRW said. The big red DIMMERS UNPATCHED box is telling you that you've still got dimmers under direct control. Hit the [DIMMER] key twice to release all unpatched dimmers, or [DIMMER] [number] {RE-PATCH} to release selectively..
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Just follow what IRW said. The big red DIMMERS UNPATCHED box is telling you that you've still got dimmers under direct control. Hit the [DIMMER] key twice to release all unpatched dimmers, or [DIMMER] [number] {RE-PATCH} to release selectively..

Or even [DIMMER] {RE-PATCH} to unpatch all channels


Many roads lead to Rome...


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