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First Truss


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1st June, 1987, 10 seconds and 23 minutes past 3 o'clock in the morning. It was raining outside.


Of course for a university essay you would gather data from published or peer reviewed sources, and correctly reference them.


it may have been raining where you was but it was sunny here. ! think we were a day later typical council ran venue we are always behind everyone else

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That reply, of course, just leaves the question of exactly how one would reference this Blue Room posting...?


Not strictly specified in Harvard Referencing but generally citation would give title and web site (www.blue-room.org.uk). Reference would include full URL and date accessed (as websites change over time)

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back on track - what is the essay about? Context is important when asking a question like this. One small paragraph on truss can say very little, so are we talking about metal triangular stuff you hang lights from or the grades of aluminium, welding techniques and the complex load calculation stuff?
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Simple then - talk about what it looks like to the uninformed, then explain the advantages of it in terms of strength and speed of rigging. Perhaps touch on the differences between lightweight disco truss that looks pretty and mega engineered structural trussing designed to carry extreme weight. Perhaps look at the origins in the construction industry where the benefits of triangles have been used for years - maybe even explain a bit about how the triangle is such a stable form, and the benefits of using it as the basis for light weight and strength. Touch on what we had before it and why truss is handy stuff. Aesthetics could come in too with truss being decorative as well as functional - finishes as in natural or powder coating.


That should give you enough scope for turning into something. Can I wear your flat hat for about 4 hours, one day in the year when you graduate?

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1st June, 1987, 10 seconds and 23 minutes past 3 o'clock in the morning. It was raining outside.


Of course for a university essay you would gather data from published or peer reviewed sources, and correctly reference them.


it may have been raining where you was but it was sunny here. ! think we were a day later typical council ran venue we are always behind everyone else

What, sunny at 3:23 AM. Thats amazing.

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Maybe one of the really nice peeps at Litestructures can give some history but scaffolding ladder beams have been used structurally to build outdoor stage roofs (rooves?) since Noah was a sea scout.

I have a vague idea that lampies first took advantage of them to hang stuff from and Tri-lite etc came from that background hence the size of tube.

If you find out please let us know the basics, it was definitely before 1987, and I want the gown.

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1st June, 1987, 10 seconds and 23 minutes past 3 o'clock in the morning. It was raining outside.


Of course for a university essay you would gather data from published or peer reviewed sources, and correctly reference them.


it may have been raining where you was but it was sunny here. ! think we were a day later typical council ran venue we are always behind everyone else

What, sunny at 3:23 AM. Thats amazing.


yh its june it gets sunny early in june. ok who am I trying to kid its never sunny here

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I have it on good authority that first truss used in theater was in 1844 ,during a rather strenuous load in for the premier of christmas carol the head fly man injured himself whilst loading one of the many fly cradles used on the show.Due to the lack of trained fly men at the time the production management decided to spend the sum 4s.3d on a suitable surgical appliance to enable said flyman to carry on with the run of the show until suitable advancement in medical science allowed for a permanent cure,
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