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Fake Scents


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Scent-in-a-can may well exist, but as has been cautioned here before, be very wary of using fragrances in productions. Unlike any other element for a show, smells - once released - can't be switched off, so unless your performance dictates that you want the aroma throughout (after deployment) then it may be inappropriate for subsequent scenes....


Just a thought.

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Hi There,


I've had this issue before.


I went to the Imperial War Museum London to the 'Trench Experience' where they have all these different smells.

After speaking with the Museum they gave me the details.


They used a company called Dale Air.




These boys are good. I've used them on nearly 10 productions.

They hire the small machines (great for hiding into a set) and bigger machines for large venues.


They have smells like Mustard Gas, Gunpowder, Dragons breath, Pete fire, etc


Really great guys. I can't recommend them highly enough!


Hope this helps.



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Find out if any of your team have a bread maker lurking in the back of a cupboard, plug it in at prompt corner, nice smells, and fresh bread to have post show with some cheese and wine (that you can buy with the money you save from renting in an aroma-matic-otron)!
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