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Working in Rock & Roll


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Hi everybody. Not sure if I've posted this in the right section, so please feel free to move it if not.


I've been working as a technician in the theatre and then corporate sector for a few years now, but have always wanted to try getting into Music tours et al, but have never really seen an opening, or had an opportunity to do so. Could anybody on here tell me how I could go about breaking into that side of the industry?


Thank in advance

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Guest lightnix

In a nutshell: Start by approaching the main local crewing companies (click here for a list).


Also: Contact the rental companies that supply that end of the market, e.g. PRG, Entec & Neg Earth (to name but three) and see if they have any openings for warehouse casuals.


Hope that helps, welcome to the Blue Room :rolleyes:

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In my opinion, it isn't what you know, it's who you know. Get in with some of the corporate production companys that also get involved with live music production. Let them get to you know you based on how well you work, rather than how well you talk. If you say you are from a corporate background, get in and do corporate work with these firms and get to know the right people. If you are good enough, and a keen hard worker, it will be recognised. It is very rare to get straight in on the top jobs unless you know someone, or are someone - if that makes any sense!





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Spot on Lightnix, but if the OP fills in his profile, then we could be more specific about crewing companies somewhere within travelling range. Some of the local crew companies in rock also have extensive corporate work which, as Dunk says, could be a good place to start.
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It's almost all "who you know" and in the corporate field you get to know corporate contacts, Maybe some serious contact hunting, -ask the people that you know well, who regard you well and give you good work in corporate, to fit you into some RnR work too.
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