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whats the best- S4's, SL's or acclaims??

Louis sullivan NLS

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I've only used a few acclaims, but there is something about them I dont like, perhaps quality

The build quality of Acclaims is better than that of SLs, that's for sure. And if they do break/fail, these days you stand a way better chance of being able to get spares for an Acclaim - SL spares are rapidly becoming akin to rocking-horse poo.


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Are you talking full-size S4s or S4 Juniors?

Who is that question addressed to, Roy? The OP? Or those posting their opinions of S4s? Personally, I've used the entire S4 range - the 'grown-up' fixed-angle ones are great ; the 'grown-up' zoom ones are optically pretty good, but ridiculously nose-heavy which for me is a show-stopper ; and the Juniors are ... well, junior in most respects (cheaper, and you get what you pay for!).

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I use acclaims al the time, and source 4's at my other work.


Source fours are fantastic but nose heavy, acclaims are good I'm not VERY keen on them but for a small place they are good.


I have recently got some SL's I totally understand the parts issue, but they are VERY good light I find, certianly in comparison to my acclaims.

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Any reason you haven't listed Selecon Pacifics? They're more akin to the S4 than the Acclaim zooms are. Of the units you've listed I'd take a S4 or an Acclaim over the SL any day of the week, and of those two I'd take whichever was more suited to the job in hand. But I'd take a Pacific over a S4 or an Acclaim any time!
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Although it wasnt the question asked , id have to agree with Gridgirl. SL's , no thanks. Acclaim fresnels I love and S4's are top notch.


I think I would pick the Pacific as top for gobo work and the S4 for any other profile work. The zooms are great but , as mentioned, sooooo top heavy - and thats even without a scroller!!!!!

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Y'know what? It's only after just reading Kid's and GridGirl's posts that I've realised the glaring error I've made - I've been confusing Acclaims for Pacifics! I have no idea why (although the fact that I'm full of germs and looking at the world through a sort of cold-induced fog probably isn't helping much!). Anyway, Gridgirl is quite correct - the Selecon Pacific is a much more comparable model to the SL and Source4. And in each of my posts above, you should replace the word "Acclaim" with the word "Pacific"! D'oh! Time for another Lemsip, I think .....
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I do have some pacifics, hate the bloody things, in theory a nice light and actually work well, but I have cleaned EVERYTHING, aligned the lamps and still I get a piss poor light, which RAPIDLY goes the wider you take it.


The plus side is the possible use of acetate for gobo.

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What's the best, Spaghetti or Chiken Tikka Masala? It's all according the venue, the job, the budget and what you have got in the venue I guess!


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Anyone used the CCT Freedom Profiles with the 800w GKV Lamp?

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