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Best Speakers For Theatregroups


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About 3 feet.

Honestly - that's the length of this piece of string...


But to be serious, we cannot possibly comment on what will suit your needs as we have no idea of what venue(s) you use, what range of style of music/performance, even what poer you have available.

And do you just mean speakers, or do you need the mixer/amp/controller/effects kit etc as well?


Sorry, but life just isn't that simple.


I suggest you contact a local hire company, see what they have available, hire (or even borrow on the basis that you may buy through them) 2 or 3 systems and see how they sound, and look at a choice thereafter.


That said, you'll probably get dozend of replies here recommending this or that speaker - and if you're lucky you might find a couple of people who've actually used said kit and know of what they speak...

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also it would be nice to get some idea on budget, as the best speakers can cost a fair penny or 2!


but as Tony said, ideas about the size and style of performances you do would be ideal, or even if you are a touring group that travels many different types of venue / sizes of audience, it would be nice to hear what kinda venues / audiences you had for the last couple of gigs?



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In a 250 seat proscenium venue, I have repeatedly and successfully used dB Technologies Basic 100 Speakers, mounted on Stands, about 2.5m above the front row (about in line with the back row) either side of the prosc.


This combination has worked well for me for over a dozen shows, with both boundary and wireless mics going through them.



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The product support Q&A is of reasonable comedy value too B-)


for example:-


Q - for £39.99 do you get 2 speakers or just one? - chris


Answer- Just the one speaker.


Q- would these speakers be good for large disco's and roadshows ? - louis


Answer- Yes the product does support that.

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Going back to the serious question in hand...


There is no definitive answer to this one. There are many good quality loudspeakers that provide excellent vocal reinforcement. Other factors will have an influence on the best choice for you such as venue size/layout, rigging options and of course, cost! Ynot's advice with regard to visiting a local hire company is a good suggestion. This will allow you to have a good chat with them over your specific requirements and should allow them to make some specification recommendations. Their hands-on knowleldge will be very useful. You will also be able to demo some systems and compare. Once you have a better idea then you can go to a professional dealer or two for further demos and quotes.



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theatre groups I have helped have used JBL eons as they are lightwieght to carry around, and simple to set up as they are powered and can go staight in the output of a mixing desk.


Every JBL Eon I've used has hissed like an angry snake. I really like dB Technologies speakers for the price you pay.


The other possibility is the QSC K-series (which are the bees-knees in that price range IMO). You can actually ditch a mixer alltogether if you're only using one microphone...

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The product support Q&A is of reasonable comedy value too :(


for example:-


Q - for £39.99 do you get 2 speakers or just one? - chris


Answer- Just the one speaker.


Q- would these speakers be good for large disco's and roadshows ? - louis


Answer- Yes the product does support that.


And another couple of rather contradictory responses....

Q- I have got a amp that has 250w power output per channel at 8ohms. Would that be suitable for these speakers or too powerful? Cheers. - Tom

Answer- That should be absolutely fine.


Q- would I be able to use a 200w amp with these 300w Loudspeaker? - mark

Answer- it is not recommended I am afraid

Don't you just love consistent 'tech support'...!


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