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This is more curiosity than anything at the moment, but I'd like to know to be prepared just in case.


Basicaly there is a possibility that I will be doing tech on the next big show with my amdram group. And I think with changes that are happening within the group this will be happening more often (All good for me!)


I know however that the groups insureance won't cover me rigging etc. They know that I know what I'm doing but I think it would be good to have some insureance to say 'yeah I can do it, but I've got this to cover' just in case something does go wrong they (shouldn't) get into trouble.


I'd like to have a look into it but I wouldn't know where to start. Any infomation I should know (not just about the insureance)?


There is more than likley topics knocking around on here somewhere but I don't know if it's stuff the same as what I want to know. If there is something a little nod in the right direaction would be appreciated because I wouldn't know what I'm searching for.


Like I say this is more curiosity than anything at the mo. But I'd like to have an idea just in case.


Help is appreciated,



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Do a search on this forum for public liability insurance. (Note the correct spelling.)


HOWEVER - a theatre group, even if they're an amateur group, has a responsibility to ensure that people working for them (including members of the group) are adequately covered by their insurance. If they're asking you to do something for them, and don't have insurance in place to cover you while carrying out the activity (and the possible consequences and losses should it go wrong) then it's they who are underinsured, not you.

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Is it not worth me getting any for myself

Only you know the answer to that. If you do any work as a freelance contractor, not covered by an employer's insurance, then you'll need your own PLI. If you don't, you won't. That's a bit of a generalisation, but broadly-speaking it's the case.

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The Am Dram company's insurance will undoubtedly have conditions and restristions, but these can and will vary from policy to policy, and depend entirely on what they've asked to be covered and whether they can afford premiums for certain aspects of cover. Or they may have a basic standard policy which is very limited in what the insurer's liabilities are.


To answer the question of 'Am I covered to do X, Y or Z' you need to check, as Gareth says, that specific policy.

Your profile says you're at uni, so I assume that you're over 18, so it's likely that you won't be restricted by any under-age clauses.

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That is kind of why I thought of the insurance.


I originaly joined the group as a performer and not actualy as a tech crew, so it may not cover me on the tech stuff. Or shouldn't that realy make a differance?


As it gets clocer to the time of the show I will check with the group whats what.

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Whether legit or not, I know a lot of local am drams ask that performers who are not members (particularly kids in the chorus) pay a small fee to "join" the society for the duration of the show. That may well be a way forward.


This may well just be to gain a few extra coins towards insurance costs, or it may be a requirement of their policy.

I "work" (for free) for some of these societies and have been told I am covered by their PLI, that said, I have my own anyway.

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As it gets clocer to the time of the show I will check with the group whats what.
If you're genuinely concerned about the cover I would suggest checking ASAP. Some insurance companies may be able to modify cover (if changes are indeed necessary) fairly quickly, others may not. The cloSer you get to the event the less chance they will have to get anything done if required.
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Yes, insurance can be a tricky thing, and just to muddy the waters further, the Venue may have stipulations and requirements as to what you can or cannot do under their insurance and /or regulations.


Again, I do not know your situation, but it may be something else you need to check!



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I'll find out this insurance stuff on the first week of rehersals in a few weeks.


The venue the group are performing in is a school (which nicley complicates things) finding out their policy will be easy because the leader of the group also teaches at that school.


Judging from what Cedd says, I might be better to get my own insurance. Even if the groups and the venues insurance covers me. You know as a bit of extra back up.


How would my age effect the insurance? (if at all)


Is there any useful links I should look at regarding PLI?

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Judging from what Cedd says, I might be better to get my own insurance. Even if the groups and the venues insurance covers me. You know as a bit of extra back up.


How would my age effect the insurance? (if at all)

Check first. Whilst private PLI is always useful (and a necessity for when I'm not working with am dram groups and am actually doing some paid work) it may well be you're absolutely fine using theirs. I work alongside some of their crew who also aren't members and I know for a fact don't have their own PLI. They seem to get away ok (Though have never needed to test that they are covered - but it seems to be the agreed circumstance). It seems a little bit of a pain if these are the only people you're working with and you're doing it on a hobby basis, and then having to fork out for PLI if you don't have to.

I'm one of the first to go on about having PLI to people, but if it's an isolated instance where there is other cover available which can be proven in writing, there is little point wasting your money.


As for age, assuming you're over 18, I see little reason for it making a scrap of difference. People say with car insurance that it gets far cheaper when you hit 18, then 21, and finally 25. I've hit the first 2 so far with little difference. I'm pretty sure that with PLI, you pay your money, you take your choice.

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Guest lightnix

There seems to be a growing trend in these forums, to make mountains out of molehills and perceive risk where there is virtually none B-)


With all due respect, Heinz57, you are ONLY a volunteer technician for an amateur dramatics company. There is no earthly reason I can see, that you should have to purchase your own insurance.


Forget it, it's really not necessary. You are worrying over nothing.

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Whilst private PLI is always useful (and a necessity for when I'm not working with am dram groups and am actually doing some paid work)


Out of interest, what do you pay for PLI for that sort of work?

The am-dram group and local events I'm involved with have insurance which covers me as a volunteer so I've never looked into it, but it might be useful if some paid work comes along, if the work justifies the cost of the insurance.


Edit to add: I do have PLI as a builder, but the list of trades that type of policy covers doesn't include anything stage related so I assume I'd need to go to somewhere more specialised.

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Forget it, it's really not necessary. You are worrying over nothing.


I think I would have to agree with you there on that one. If it isn't VITAL that I have it for this bit of work then whats the point in me worrying and trying to sort something out? It will probably only be with this group who I actualy do some work (for the time being anyway) and if I'm coverd on theres then I'm fine. And Cedd's second point states he has worked with people who havn't got any.


But out of interest, how much does it normaly cost?


Thanks a lot for the advice, it's most appreciated!

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