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But out of interest, how much does it normaly cost?


I think I paid about £250 for my policy (£5mill) back in June and I went with Arthur Doodson. I won't go into detail about the company as I think there's another thread discussing various insurers, however, they were very helpful on the phone and answered my barrage of questions as I was also new to buying PLI policies.


Heres the link: http://www.doodsonbg.com/entertainment/

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I see the price can vary a bit then. Maybe £250 is a bit much for me ;) but obviously mine (if I get one) won't be as big as your policy.


Many thanks for the link, quite interesting - thanks.

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Guest lightnix
Forget it, it's really not necessary. You are worrying over nothing.
I think I would have to agree with you there on that one. If it isn't VITAL that I have it for this bit of work then whats the point in me worrying and trying to sort something out?

There isn't one - so why bother? :huh:


In fact, there's still no actual, legal requirement for anybody to carry PLI - even when professionally engaged. It was only about 7 or 8 years ago, that employers in the backstage industry realised that PLI was an indicator of genuine self-employment in the eyes of the Taxman and then started insisting on it, to help protect against large tax & NI bills, in respect of their (largely freelance) crews. Pressure from event organisers and (naturally) insurance companies followed shortly thereafter and possessing PLI became part of a wider definition, as to what makes a "competent" freelancer.


I see the price can vary a bit then. Maybe £250 is a bit much for me...

£250 sounds pretty reasonable to me - especially for £5 million :up: If you start adding Product Liability, Employers Insurance and Travel Insurance (as many, genuine freelancers do, if and where appropriate) you can sometimes be looking at £800 - £1,000 a year in premiums.


As has been pointed out in many times: BECTU do free PLI with membership.


There seems to be a growing trend in these forums, to make mountains out of molehills and perceive risk where there is virtually none :o

There also seems to be an impression, that PLI has some kind of talismanic properties, which will ward off H&S inspectors and accidents alike. It won't.


In case you missed it in previous threads...

PLI is not a substitute for safe working practices, or other forms of insurance. It does not negate your duty under H&S legislation, to work in a safe and healthy fashion; nor will it protect you from prosecution, if you ignore that duty. PLI will also not stop you from being sued. If a claim is made against you and you are held to be liable, then you may be sued by the insurer for any payouts. PLI will not make you a "better" technician, in terms of the skills you possess, or the quality of work that you do.



But... PLI is like PPE - You should never actually have to use it ;)

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Thanks for all the infomation. Sounds like it can be pretty complicated.


I won't bother with it for now then. As it isn't a necesity


Cheers for all the infomation anyway, very much appreciated :o


EDIT - Rewording

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