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Budget HMI Lamps


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Anyone got any experience with "Xenpow" (made in Taiwan I believe) and similar budget HMI lamps ?


I saw a couple in use recently in Mac 250s and they looked similar in terms of output to the ones fitted with OSRAMs.


We have a number of Clay Paky Movers that are needing relamping and, as we're mainly a non-profit group, the £20

lamp cost certainly is more appealing than £115 for the equivalent Osram.


In our application colour-matching is not as important as it would be to many of you, so the fact that the lamps

may have a slightly different colour temperature is not a real problem, neither is longevity (at £20 per lamp it

would have to last 1/4 the time of the Osram, which is unlikely since the manufacturers specs are the same)


My main concern would be the lamp exploding in some catastrophic way and taking the fixture with it or some

other safety issue... simply "they're a bit duller" isn't a reason (in our situation) not to use them due to the

dramatic cost savings.


Opinions welcomed ... for the sake of £20 / lamp I may purchase a couple personally and stick them in my own

fixtures and see how they look - but again, not if it's likely to do the fixture any harm :/

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personally I have had bad experiences with xenpow lamps, but only the small hti 150w lamps. I have not tried the larger ones.

Personally I would go with osram for hmi - and there might be some good news here as I believe that osram have just introduced a budget range of hmi lamps - but there is a chance that they will be sourced from xenpow type manufacturers and hence no better.


£115 also seems like quite a lot for an hmi lamp - I get through a few double ended 575 and 1200 w lamps each year and I pay approx £55 and £70 respectively ( osram)- so it might be worth looking out for a better price. Ill be doing exactly that myself as I have 14 1200w movers all due for a re-lamp shortly!

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Anyone got any experience with "Xenpow" (made in Taiwan I believe) and similar budget HMI lamps ?

Interesting. I was thinking of trying some myself until I spotted the quoted lamp life as being 1000 hours against 3000 for a branded lamp. Suddenly they didn't seem quite so cheap.

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ah, that sounds like an HTI 300w de, rather than an hmi lamp. HTI lamps are usually more expensive than similar hmi lamps, as the hti was concieved for higher CRI , smaller arc lengh and higher luminous flux per watt.


If this is the lamp you are looking for ( ie to fit a miniscan 300 / hpe etc) then I strongly suggest that you stick with the osram. I have seen some chinese equivalents for these lamps, but in terms of light output and quality they were very different.

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ah, that sounds like an HTI 300w de, rather than an hmi lamp. HTI lamps are usually more expensive than similar hmi lamps, as the hti was concieved for higher CRI , smaller arc lengh and higher luminous flux per watt.


If this is the lamp you are looking for ( ie to fit a miniscan 300 / hpe etc) then I strongly suggest that you stick with the osram. I have seen some chinese equivalents for these lamps, but in terms of light output and quality they were very different.


Yep, should have been HTI in the thread title... got myself confused :/


It's for Clay Paky fixtures that accept either the HTI 300 or the HMD 300 (with a lower colour temperature, but 3,000 hours instead of the 750 offered by the HTI) - I can't find the Osram version of either of these lamps for under £120 - unless I'm looking in the wrong place.


Unfortunately these are for an organisation on a budget, and if they can save a few hundred on lamps even if it means they don't last quite as long then unless they're significantly poorer then the Osrams then it might be worth it ....


I've got a couple of older fixtures that take these myself, I'll order a couple and do a side by side comparison with the Osrams since it seems from what I've been able to find out about them they may be a bit poorer but they're unlikely to blow and do untold damage to the fixtures in the process.


I'll try and get a couple of comparative shots for anyone else considering using these ... we dont all have large budgets :rolleyes:

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It's for Clay Paky fixtures that accept either the HTI 300 or the HMD 300 (with a lower colour temperature, but 3,000 hours instead of the 750 offered by the HTI) - I can't find the Osram version of either of these lamps for under £120 - unless I'm looking in the wrong place.

You must be looking in the wrong place. I've never paid anything like that much. I recommend AC as supplier :rolleyes:

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It's for Clay Paky fixtures that accept either the HTI 300 or the HMD 300 (with a lower colour temperature, but 3,000 hours instead of the 750 offered by the HTI) - I can't find the Osram version of either of these lamps for under £120 - unless I'm looking in the wrong place.

You must be looking in the wrong place. I've never paid anything like that much. I recommend AC as supplier :D


I'll give them a ring then ... they didn't have pricing online ;)


Never thought of AC before for lamps ... don't know why.


Thanks :blink:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Anyone got any experience with "Xenpow" (made in Taiwan I believe) and similar budget HMI lamps ?


I saw a couple in use recently in Mac 250s and they looked similar in terms of output to the ones fitted with OSRAMs.


We have a number of Clay Paky Movers that are needing relamping and, as we're mainly a non-profit group, the £20

lamp cost certainly is more appealing than £115 for the equivalent Osram.


In our application colour-matching is not as important as it would be to many of you, so the fact that the lamps

may have a slightly different colour temperature is not a real problem, neither is longevity (at £20 per lamp it

would have to last 1/4 the time of the Osram, which is unlikely since the manufacturers specs are the same)


My main concern would be the lamp exploding in some catastrophic way and taking the fixture with it or some

other safety issue... simply "they're a bit duller" isn't a reason (in our situation) not to use them due to the

dramatic cost savings.


Opinions welcomed ... for the sake of £20 / lamp I may purchase a couple personally and stick them in my own

fixtures and see how they look - but again, not if it's likely to do the fixture any harm :/


If you want cheap cheese, get it from a mouse trap.


The only alternative I buy is Slyvania, but take care on the type of head as they run hoter.

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