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Hi all


I'm trying to source a largeish quantity of lithoplate or an alternative material to make shadow-puppet scenery for an outdoors show. The material needs to be light, strong, solid, waterproof, and easily cut as we have to cut it with scissors/scalpels. We are also investigating sheets of balsa wood but would be really grateful for any other suggestions as to material and suppliers!




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Polyboard from a local graphics supplier (eg http://www.londongraphics.co.uk/acatalog/F..._Polyboard.html )


Polyboard is basically two layers with foam between them intended for exhibitions and display panels SOME of them will be fire retardent. Best cut with a sharp knife. some sorts are two metal foil sheets with a foam core


Foamcore is another foam and card type material ( http://www.diyframing.com/store_viewItem.cfm?ItemID=166 )


This stuff comes in sheets up to 3m x 2m it can be very strong.


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Other suppliers exist! look in your area. Anything big, and delivery may be worth while as this stuff in big sheets is hard to handle.

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Generally printers (or at least the couple that I've encountered) will give you it for free (lithoplate). Normally they've got a good amount where they've finished the run or there was a mistake so they can't use it (in both cases I think they generally bin it). Any way give a few printers a ring from the yellow pages before you buy anything. We bagged a life time supply a few years ago (covered in pictures of cows!)



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Hi all


I'm trying to source a largeish quantity of lithoplate or an alternative material to make shadow-puppet scenery for an outdoors show. The material needs to be light, strong, solid, waterproof, and easily cut as we have to cut it with scissors/scalpels. We are also investigating sheets of balsa wood but would be really grateful for any other suggestions as to material and suppliers!





I'd suggest Sintra, though I can't remember where you get it from - it's a plasticky type sheet material, very handy, also sometimes called Foamex; comes in various thicknesses & you can cut with knife/scalpel, sand, drill, bend with heat etc etc. Will try & remember where to get it from. Cutting with scissors though - hmm, don't think it comes thin enough for that, not sure - so if you really need it that thin, I suppose you would need some sort of thin sheet metal/lithoplate, as you were originally planning.... Shim is another useful word. Be v interested to know what you find; do post results if you have time!

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