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Multi channel eq and processing via pc for live sound


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Is it possible to use a standalone pc with multiple assignable eq, fx and processors that can then (somehow) be routed to individual inserts on an analog desk?


I had a gander at the Focusrite Liquid Mix 16 Multi-Channel Firewire Mix Processor as a means to provide this solution, however I am doubtful. Any suggestions?

In a nutshell, I want the processing versatility of, say, an LS9, with the cost effectiveness of an Allen & Heath ML or the like without investing in a general swathe of comp/limit/gate, graphic or parametric and fx outboard units... :)



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Have a look at THIS THREAD which lists a number of software-based mixers which (with the appropriate plugins) might be able to do the job for you. I'd do a lot of experimentation before I tried it live though...real time effects can use a lot of processing power!


However, one caveat: by the time you add a high-spec computer and a decent 16 track audio card(s) to your A&H mixer, you could probably have bought the LS9 and have something that is rock solid and user friendly!



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Have a look at THIS THREAD which lists a number of software-based mixers which (with the appropriate plugins) might be able to do the job for you. I'd do a lot of experimentation before I tried it live though...real time effects can use a lot of processing power!


However, one caveat: by the time you add a high-spec computer and a decent 16 track audio card(s) to your A&H mixer, you could probably have bought the LS9 and have something that is rock solid and user friendly!




Thanks Bob,


Alas, I can see my dream of multiple monitors swathed elegantly across my desk, displaying multiple processing units in glorious technicolour at no less than optimum resolution.....fading into obscurity.

It is as you say, I would not trust even the Bidule system for real time processing and in fairness need to stop dallying and buy an LS9.... Many thanks

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The common wisdom is that a PC based solution will have too much latency - and that's when everything is running OK. Given my PC experience, I tend to agree.


Plus, you won't get things like sends on fader, effects, and a rig that is easy to connect and operate.


Get an O1V96 or an LS9 (or the Roland).

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