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I am staging a production of return to the forbidden planet and I want to know how others have projected the images onto a screen. we have a small half size stage, with no room to back project. and I dont want the actors walking in front of it. also what media did you use for the filmed sequences? any help with set design or any aspects of this production would be apreciated.
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I worked on a schools production of this in '05. We used two small projectors front projecting on to either side of the prosc. arch. For the content, we used school-made footage for the bulk of it, generic rocket footage found online for Albatross 1 landing and taking off, then home made graphics for count downs etc. The whole thing was done and cued of f Keynote. Looked good and wasn't too traumatic to string together.
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I am staging a production of return to the forbidden planet


Quite a few people have asked similar questions.... If you search for this title in the BR Google search, there's a rich seam of information, including comments from the original lighting designer.

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