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Dichroic Color Changer for Source 4 Ellipsoidals


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Why would you want to limit your FOH colours to dichroic?

It is highly unlikely that any designer would be too happy with saturated reds, blues, etc. in that position.

If you are looking for a flexible choice of colours in that position, have a look at gel scrollers.

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If you are looking for a flexible choice of colours in that position, have a look at gel scrollers

Basicly thats what a sea changer is,except it fits in the gate and use diclhoric filters


Don’t think you can compare the Seachanger to old gel scrollers? With infinite colour mapping and not to mention silent operation and the possibility of replacing banks of gelled fixtures with probably 16 Seachangers to cover FOH wash (excluding specials)


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With infinite colour mapping


Infinite within finite bounds....


Sorry bit of an abused expression, infinite colour, infinite within gamut achievable by the far red, green and blue points of the colour system in use.

Which may mean ,at times ,some colours are simply not achievable.


So wider choice than scroller rather than infinite be better description.

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It would be good to see comparisions of source 4 with popular colours i.e. L205/L201/L119 etc and see if they can be matched by the sea changer.


A comparison between a Source 4 with the filters and one with the Seachanger whould be interesting. I Think designers and LX techs should stop thinking colour by a Lee or Rosco gel number because of the choices in colours that is now available. The gel number should only be a reference to a familiar colour you know. Theatre and specifically drama productions are making more and more use of intel and LED so colour design thinking is more about colour you trying to achieve. Now you have the Source 4 HPL quality lamp with the possibility of using one lamp for all your colour needs (maybe). Should you really not find the colour you want to achieve, you can always gel the lamp. You can even change your mind without having the trouble of changing the actual filter. For FOH (wash ) this could be the best thing since……. GEL.


Is there anyone that has worked with the Seachangers that can shed light and colour on this!

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It would be good to see comparisions of source 4 with popular colours i.e. L205/L201/L119 etc and see if they can be matched by the sea changer.


Theatre and specifically drama productions are making more and more use of intel and LED so colour design thinking is more about colour you trying to achieve.


I dont think your quite right there, quite the oposite I beieve, yes LED are now being used alot in scenic elements but I dont think I have seen LED used to actually light the stage or people. Set peices I can think of is the Wings on Sister Act, The OZ Logo on Wicked and house lighting. Hairspray, the colour kinetics on the back wall but not to light the show.


A big factor is price, your going to hire X amounts of these accessories to cover your FOH to do what exactly? Most designers will choose the FOH to light people so things like L136, 202, 205 or whatever, dont think so, I have never ever seen LED's FOH so what would be your purpose of using these FOH since it was your example?

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