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What would you like to know about them?


They're black, have a yoke, turn the lens to focus, varying lens sizes which are easy to change, compact, 575 or 750W lamp. Great for warming pizza too!


Be more specific about what you would like to know and the BR will gladly help ;)

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Compact, punchy units designed to replicate PAR units by using four interchangeable lenses rather than lamps. You only get the classic elongation of the beam when using the CP62 and CP95 style lenses. Lamp stock is lowered due to the use of lenses, also very useful if you are using Source 4 profiles as well. Colour size is 7.5" (approx. 185mm) square, so fits in well with most UK 1k Fresnel/profile cut colour sizes. Great with a scroller and top hat on the front of them, and you do not have to shove your hand into the back of the (hot) PAR to focus them.
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WARNING: Don't expect them to look anything like a normal Par 64 as they just don't have the same "punch". Try a couple on hire for a show and work out what you might use them for. Don't expect them to replace any standard Par lantern. They are their own beast and do not replace anything else. Perfectly useful in the right context (I like them for sidelighting dance shows) and great with scrollers, but nothing like a Par 64.


There: did I repeat myself often enough to make the point? ;)

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2nd thumbs up for them being used with scrollers - even with a top hat. They balance a lot better and while the beam O/P is not as punchy as a 'real' PAR, its a clean light with a nice controllable beam.


I love them as dance side-light as well. Also as a colour wash top light cover, again with scrollers. Narrow beam lense is good for not so tight specials as well.

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I've got mixed views.

They are great for the light output that comes from them and they can be good for washes when in groups on a FoH bar. But a few that I'm using have one thing in common; if the beam spread is wide, then you get a halo effect, where the light in the centre is dark compared to the outside of the beam.


They are better in beam spread and design than something like the Multipar but Multipars are good for the punch factor.

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Don't put the lenses in them the wrong way. Concave, not convex - not what you'd expect - I've spent a fair amount of time prising lenses out of them when some muppet has put it in backwards. Other than that, everyone else has said all that I was going to say!
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I've got mixed views.

They are great for the light output that comes from them and they can be good for washes when in groups on a FoH bar. But a few that I'm using have one thing in common; if the beam spread is wide, then you get a halo effect, where the light in the centre is dark compared to the outside of the beam.


They are better in beam spread and design than something like the Multipar but Multipars are good for the punch factor.


Er, the S4 Par IS a multi-par....

OK, multi-par is maybe the knock-off industry's name for the S4 Par copy, but they do essentially the same thing...


Or are you thinking of the S4 ParNel, Jam?

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I find them most useful in smaller-scale productions, especially on touring shows where you might not have the power available for a decent rake of 1kW PARcans.

I'm not a huge fan of using them for dance sidelight as you have no beam edge control; I prefer a Source 4 profile so that you can shutter off the set, floor etc.


But as has been said - they're not a PARcan and shouldn't be thought of as such.

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Or are you thinking of the S4 ParNel, Jam?


Ah, yes I am. Sorry for the mix up - yeah it's the Parnel's I'm using that have the Halo effect. And yes, the Multi-pars are the knock offs (good if your budget is cheap and can't buy the S4 Pars)

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