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Help with patching needed - no output?


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I have lurked round this forum for a while and generally found the answers I needed, thanks for help. This time I need to ask a direct question, I have tried searching but have not found the answer.



I am trying to control 8 Stairville LED parcans (64, 10mm) from a Behringer Eurolight LC2412 desk.


I only want very simple functions of being able to change colour on them, to set them all up in varying greens and blues by using the faders. Any other functions can come later when I am more proficent with the desk and have more time to play. To begin with I am after getting just one to work as I am struggling! I had originally plugged it via a DMX splitter, and then directly into the desk incase it was the splitter that was the problem. Either way I get nothing from the parcan. The can does work in stand alone mode but not with DMX connection?



I am trying to get the desk to recognise the Parcans but I am getting nothing. I have only one parcan plugged into it and it is addressed as 1 (dipswitch one on, all others off) The desk is in one2one patch. I had presumed by doing this them I would raise faders 1-7 (the parcan manual says it has 7 channels) and the lantern would work - is this where my error is? And if it is what is it?



I'm sorry if this seems very simple but I am confused. I have patched in other desks before and with moving lights - addressing them and getting a frog or strand desk to recognise them was easier. The eurolight seems rather confusing but it is the only desk I have so there are no other options than to try and work it out.



Your help or advice would be appreciated.



thank you

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If you've set the control to a 1 to 1 and the DMX address of the leds to 1, then it's almost certainly going to be that you need to do a polarity swap on pins 2 and 3 on the XLR. It's so annoying some brands have them the wrng way around. It's a fairly common question, and a short length of cable and a couple of XLRs (or a cheap barrel type reverser) is a pretty common toolbox gadget to have available.
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The eurolight seems rather confusing but it is the only desk I have so there are no other options than to try and work it out.


LC2412 is slightly user hostile and the manual is worse, sure your in Preset Mode with a P displayed in the 7seg LED display on the desk?

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Agreed - make sure it's in "P" mode, and the "blackout" button isn't pressed :P


Also maybe worth doing a factory-default reset on the LC2412, just to make sure there's no softpatching from a previous setup. from memory, hold down soft keys A & B (below the display) then press flash button 1. The display should show the software version - turn the wheel until it shows "clear all" and press "yes" a few times.

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No - don't rewire the units. The swapped connection is common and a pain, but if you buy more, or hire them in, this problem happens. Just make up an adapter (or buy one) and then try it. Nothing is actually wrong - it's just the manufacturers do it differently.
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ah ha - I am now in preset mode and I have output/ light fom my cans! :)


I am however struggling to get it to show a programed chase, it says it's programming steps but then doesn't show them when I ask the chase to run. Is this more trickery with the preset mode? The manual is not helpful as I am following it exactly but still somehow missing something!


Thanks for your help (the bit about polarity has been mentally stored for future use and checking when I have problems)


This is not an easy desk to use!

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