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Headphones that mirror good monitors

The Boogie Man

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That does rather sum up the appreciative properties of the average listener. I borrowed my son's ones and was horrified how naff they sound. However, I wonder why they don't do the speaker and the I-pod mix and charge twice.



Stupid, I forgot a high proportion of these users wouldn't dream of actually paying for their music, so the studios are mixing for those that do?

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Stupid, I forgot a high proportion of these users wouldn't dream of actually paying for their music, so the studios are mixing for those that do?
I assume you have some verifiable data to support this?


I for one have never Illegally downloaded music. I use iTunes although I don't own an iPod.



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Stupid, I forgot a high proportion of these users wouldn't dream of actually paying for their music, so the studios are mixing for those that do?
I assume you have some verifiable data to support this?


Come on Josh. Although there are no figures for it all you have to look at is the HUGE drop in sales and yes everyone still has access to it. Hopefully things like spotify will help bring an end to this

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DT-100s sound absolutely awful but they are tough!


I've said it before and I'll say it again (!) but the Sony MDR-7506 are unbeatable IMHO, they sound great, are reasonably sturdy, and go loud! I carry mine to every gig, to 'calibrate' my ears to a known source. Have a read up on them if you get chance, I tried some by accident and fell in love with them. They are the sound recordist's standard in the USA.

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I'm also a fan of the MDR7506--they're also my headphone of choice. My only niggle with them is that, over long periods, they're not the most comfortable headset in the world. However, it's a credit to them that I put up with a bit of discomfort for the quality.


However, that said, even with phones that I know well and consider excellent quality, I wouldn't contemplate doing a mix on them. I'll use them to CHECK a mix, but all the previous comments about the drawbacks of headphone mixing match my own experience.



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I recall a review not so long ago in ether Sound on Sound or Audio Media of a "system" to assist with mixing on headphones. It allowed a variable amount of cross feed from one ear to the other (as would happen with speakers) and various other subtle effects to allow headphone use to closer match speaker use. I'll post back with a link if I can find the review but I think the conclusion was that it was pretty good. Not quite the same as mixing on real speakers but a lot closer than just using headphones on their own.
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I've not heard a closed phone that sounds good (including the 7506 - rubbish). Grado sound quite good - no isolation though.


I would not use them as my only mix monitor, but they are useful when checking the mix for problems.

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