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New stuff from Behringer

Pete Alcock

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I own Behringer gear, lots of it. I know there is a difference between similarities for the purpose of user familiarity and blatant copying of a product but I'm not sure which they have done here.


It may be that it is very similar to a more expensive product but it may be similar because Behringer want to make it more familiar to others. Plus, if someone gets used to this desk, they are going to be able to use the original too.



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Several of the allegations over the years have been about direct copying of circuits and designs. It's been to court, and it was very messy (but not an outright defeat for Behringer if I remember correctly).


In this case, it is most unlikely that Behringer are providing a public service and allowing cash strapped bands to learn 'how to use' the Venice that they might own one day. As with many other firms, they want the look and feel of well known, better designed gear to add kudos and panache to their own product.


Apart from the superficial layout similarities, and even allowing for the fact that the Venice isn't the best loved of the Midas "budget" range, the two are unliely to be comparible in terms of feel, response, headroom and build quality.



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One of the biggest problems I've had with every Behringer desk I've used has been the noise shelf. Once you get past 12-16 inputs, I've always started getting masses of noise from monitors, FOH and anything else connected to the desk. Even their 'low-noise' preamps (can't remember what they're called) seem noisy.


Still, let's not turn this into a product-bashing thread. I doubt anybody has actually used the Behringer kit in question yet, so I'd rather not judge it...

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Note to all : Anyone who complains Behringer copy everyone (yet have never actually been successfully charged for this)

Just throwing this out there, but they have settled out of court twice; with Mackie over mixers and with Roland over their Boss-inspired series of pedals, which they subsequently changed the designs of - so I think it would be hard to argue that they have been completely absolved of any wrongdoing.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Shame no replacement for the DDX


I don't know why people complained so much about the DDX. I've been gigging one with a ceilidh band for 5 years, and not had a single problem. I have on occasion used it as a monitor desk for theatre productions too. No complaints.





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The biggest complaint I've seen about the DDX digital mixer is that Behringer stopped making them--and the expansion cards which left a lot of people stuck--just as they were becoming really popular. I know a lot of people who really like them as a mixer.



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There's (almost) absolutely nothing wrong with a DDX as a mixer, as long as they work, but lots of people had lots of problems with the things. They were still available in some markets until relatively recently. Its a pity there hasn't been a replacement or MK2, but given Behringer know how to sell product, there must be a damned fine reason why, I don't believe the answer is "because it's too hard".


I'm sure theres a MIDI implementation thing about them that annoyed me, which is why I say "almost", but its long enough ago I've forgoten what exactly...

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There's (almost) absolutely nothing wrong with a DDX as a mixer, as long as they work, but lots of people had lots of problems with the things.


My problem is here


There's usually one or two on ebay. They seem to go for about the same or even slightly more than the (old version) 01V.

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  • 4 months later...
So the Venice 320 has 32 does it?


Clue : No it doesn't, it doesn't even have the aforementioned 28 and 4 stereo. It has 24 and 4 stereo where a stereo counts as 2 even though it's a single fader and eq / send strip.


Note to all : Anyone who complains Behringer copy everyone (yet have never actually been successfully charged for this) and yet find it acceptable to have a Les Paul Copy, or a Strat/Tele Copy, should consider getting trapped in a car fire if you ask me.



Got to say here all desks are starting to look alike IE we have designed the best way of using them!


I don't see complaints re the DDX 3216 this was behringers own and I think a lot of budding studio engineers missed out a good chance of using a nice digital desk at a good price. I have 3 here and one of them must have been one of the first, I think its about 8 years old.


So Behringer stopped making them and now most small studio budgets don't allow for a digital desk.

I have learnt so much using the DDX re digital sound and what's good and bad by listening to actual music made with this equipment.


I again was getting the ' Behringer is all crap' last night in the pub by a guy who doesn't buy any gear ( works for a company)

Must be galling for guys that have paid thousands for a desk to then hear nice music made with gear at half the price or even less.


Tired rant over!!



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Having now had 2 behringer desks which have been just out of warranty when the PSU's popped, rendering them beyond commercal viability to repair, I will not be taking an interest in their new products.


In fact I now sleep better at night having disposed of the rest of my behringer kit on ebay.

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I believe they stopped making them because of a key component not having a ROHS compliant successor? I still don't understand why they haven't seized the opportunity to make an entirely new design though, they've had ample time to.
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I've only got two bits of Behringer kit, don't sound great, and one has been back for repair twice, costing more than the original purchase price. I regret buying them. Soundcraft GB4 sounds better than Venice, more auxes, XLR's with phantom on the returns. Amps: try Yamaha PS series, good price, seem reliable, run very cool (always a good sign)
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