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stolen lab gruppen 4000c


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Hmmmmm.... Tm....



It's a funny one that isn't it. Let's look at it closely. It's got a photo in a rack bag, the rack bag is for sale, it appears like it might be the same rack bag, and the same amp. Coincidence?


So, let's look at the first picture. It's in a rack with 2 QSC's, the guy wants another QSC. It's in a rack above a 3u amp, but there is then a 1u gap between that and the top amp. Odd?


It's not fastened into the amp rack. Odd?


There are cage nuts in a place that would tally up with a 3u amp like the bottom one, but this amp isn't there. Odd?


All the other amps (see other items and the photo of the rack) are QSC.




Mark. Please reply to this thread as soon as you've seen it.


Yeah I saw all of what you've mentioned here and this is the reason I thought I'd give it a post.


Who knows eh?


But at that price, very suspicious!!



Moderation: Thanks. We've temporarily hidden this for the moment, until we hear the outcome from the original poster. Don't want to tip off the Bad Guys...

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  • 2 weeks later...
Moderation: A number of posts above which identified a similar amp and bag on Ebay, and speculated on the origins, were temporarily hidden. If they were the stolen items, there was no need to tip off the bad guys. If they were genuine, then we don't want to defame the seller. As the incident is now resolved, we have now "unhidden" the posts.
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