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Technical Manager Spec


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It's a great point, Jivemaster. I couldn't possibly do all the things that I get asked to do on my own. In fact, I hardly do any of it myself - I spend my life arranging for other people to do it, at the right times and in the right order!


The Job the OP describes as what they think they have top do is more the role of Chief Technician - the Technical Manager deals more in information and logistics than in hanging lights and moving ladders around.

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The other thing with anything to do with Amdram...


Whatever job titles or credits in the programme might say, people invariably go to somebody they trust and feel comfortable with--and bypass those who have a reputation for being incompetent of un-cooperative. As frustrating as it might seem, being asked is a good sign.



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Evening Standard crossword regular cyclic clue and answer:- Use/cope/run/manage. Nowhere does it say that you have to DO all the work. As a manager you have to get more done than you could do yourself! You do this by delegating, and checking that it's all done on time.


Try to resolve the description of the paid job with the need to motivate and inspire volunteers.

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