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120m underwater DMX


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TMB do Proplex in reels of up to 500m. Have you considered wireless DMX? it would make the load out much easier. If you go down the Cat 5 route, beware most of the cable is not designed for outdoor use and has a 'semi permeable' plastic exterior - not what you want under water!
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If you don't manage to get hold of a longer drum, a soldered joint covered in a reasonable length of adhesive lined heatshrink should be fine underwater.


Depending on how long the job has to last I'd be inclined to go with the Cat5 idea suggested above. If you're going to be buying 305m of it anyway it might be wise to do a couple of runs along different routes. That'd give you 8 pairs, would probably be worth adding a buffer at the start and a merge at the other to give a fair bit of redundancy.

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What's the range of wireless DMX? I've only ever used it for short (<25m) hops.


To be honest DMX is robust enough to go along pretty much whatever cable you like. You might want to buffer it at each end but in the absence of sources of RFI you could probably get away with bell wire. It depends on just how important the job is and how much of a disaster a failure would represent.

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There are wireless DMX transmitters out there that can cover 500m-1km easily, if I'm not mistaken the manufacturer of the wireless system used at the Olympics boasts of a potential range of 2,5km...

(a quick look at wirelessdmx.com suggests a potential of 3,2km when the right antennae are used, their system also costs an arm and a leg though)


A word to the wise, which has been said here countless times: if you want to avoid starnge unexplained problems with you DMX signal only use cable fit to transmit DMX on it, ie. twisted pair 100-150 Ohm (data) cable or CAT 5, 5E or 6 (if you have the conversion equipment you could also use fiber-optic but that again costs an arm and a leg but it does allow larger distances)

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...but there is a lot of reputation hanging on one wire to think only of the cheapest solution. The entire show will run off the one wire :rolleyes:

So I'd be putting in a decent pair of 'standard' DMX wires that would then go into stock, and a back up CAT5 as a real Justin (case). But then I do get nervous.

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would probably be worth adding a buffer at the start and a merge at the other to give a fair bit of redundancy.


Surely that would mean that if one line started acting a bit funny (as opposed to going completely open-circuit), then any jitters/errors/whatever you want to call it would get carried through to the rig? I'd agree that some sort of redundancy is in order, but there should really be a way of removing a faulty line completely, if required.

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