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a few questions!


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hey guys, im looking to buy a unique hazer, where is the best place to purchase?


also, is there any programs I can get for my mac to design lighting scenes at home rather than being at the rig all the time, just so I can play with ideas then go and actually program it!


how do I make chases on a jester ml 24?


All replies are very welcome!



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hey guys, im looking to buy a unique hazer, where is the best place to purchase?


also, is there any programs I can get for my mac to design lighting scenes at home rather than being at the rig all the time, just so I can play with ideas then go and actually program it!




Noticing your amount of posts I'm guessing your not a regular here. It's easy to fall into habits that can annoy people, I've done it myself. I'm sure there have been topics relating to your first two questions, try using the search function in future first before posting a topic as it can save you and others a lot of time. If not, google it perhaps? Let people know what market your looking in, price range etc.


Another thing is the topic is asking three questions, two from effects and one from lighting... not good, people are active mostly in certain areas across the BR although the mods and others know a lots about everything. Usually to get the best repl you need to post in the correct sectors for each individual question.


Not trying to get at you, just lending some advice for the future.



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As far as I'm aware, Look Solutions (who make the Unique) have only one UK distributor: White Light. You can probably buy it from other companies, but they'll be buying it off White Light to sell to you.


And yes, please ask entirely unreralted questions in entirely separate threads.


Or better, use the search funstion. The Mac Visualiser question has been up on the site many, many times before.


We'll let you off this time, though. :)

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I bought my first Unique hazer from White Light, under the impression that they were the exclusive distributor in the UK. I bought my second one from AC Lighting (now snappily rebranded AC Entertainment Technologies, nice'n'easy to fit on a cheque...) a few months later for pretty much the same price.


No idea about the Mac stuff...



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