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What do you do to pass the time


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So here's the situation: You're OPing a show (or mixing it or whatever you do), it's the 10th show of the run, you have exactly 4 cues over 2 and a half hours and you are trying to stay awake. What do you do?


To get the ball rolling, try acting out the entire show using sock puppets with some help from the sound guy and some of the FOH staff.


Bring on the wackyness



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I usually end up eating and drinking. Usually not consciously, my hands just want something to do, so they reach for the crisps or bottle of drink. The problem with passing the time is that if you get too into it, you can miss one of the rare cues you've been waiting for!
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I'm the same as Blaize110, just end up eating and drinking during a show.


However, if I'm finished eating and drinking everything, I then result in reading whatever is lying about....even women's magazines I get that bored!

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Put Headphones on & watch a DVD or streaming TV on the laptop.

Cue light from SM a page before I'm required to move. It's oneway of catching up on all those films you want to watch and can never find the time

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If I'm on a theatre show its either books or ipod, depending on whether I need to be listening for calls or I have a cue light.


If I'm on a rocknroll gig and I'm not needed for a while I generally sit with my laptop, though if I'm in the middle of a good book I might read, but the loud music distracts me :P

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Usualy I end up poking the other op's with a pencil. or LX Taping random things we have around. On the rarest ocation that I cant do that, out comes Facebook Mobile (for free ofcourse) or if im realy lucky and have my USB Modem with me, then its Blue Room and topics like this :P
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I am one of those sad people who actually watch the show to make sure everything happens as it should... Even if it is the 20th or 60th time I am seeing the show. You see, by watching the show, I don't get as many calls from PM's saying "Where is this light, isn't it meant to be on now?" or when I do get those calls, I have usually noticed it already and am half way to a solution.


Sure, occasionally there are the odd really long, static monologues, where I check my email or whatever, but I always keep an eye on the stage.

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I ought to add, that in theatre land I have worked only as a stage hand or followspot op, if I was desk op'ing and could actually see the show then I would watch it and keep an eye out for dead lamps and knocked focuses etc.
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During the musical numbers where there are very few cues (or I have another desk op*), I enjoy dancing along and making all the actors smile/laugh at me.

Or, if it's a one of the concerts from the music department which have cue numbers all in the single digits, I actually listen and enjoy the stuff they play.


* the wonders of youth theatre!

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Another vote for watch the performance and make sure things are OK. Although when on cans there is sometimes some banter engaged in with others who are bored, usually involving constructive :P criticism of the show and performers.
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