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Best Hazer £400- £800 for live band?

Steve Thomas

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Live covers band with decent DMX controlled lighting (Par Cans, Moving Heads etc) looking for a good quality hazer. I'm led to believe that the Jem is the Industry standard, but there seems to be a few versions. Could you advise which is best for my needs and if you would recommend any other makes/types?


Finally, could you recommend where is a good place to source a Haze Machine?



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The look solutions unique 2 is a rather nice unit,DMX or stand alone costs around £650,just make sure you shut it down correctly.Biggest proplem with the df50 is there an oil based machine,so you will end up getting a lovely oily film on everything
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Unique (mk1 is better IMO but I doubt you'll be able to get one!) Significant advantages of this unit are its size and almost instant warm-up. They cover anything from pubs to arena and will run at 100% continuously.


You should be able to get for less than £600 new w/out case. Oil-based will be beyond budget new. I wouldn't even consider buying second-hand smoke machines.

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I have the Look Solutions Unique 2 and absolutely love it. An added bonus is that it sips fluid and gives a lovely even haze. As has already been mentioned it's happy to sit there running on full power (unlikely that you'll ever need to do that though!).





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  • 2 weeks later...

Another thumbs up for the Uniques, very good and easy enough to service.


Don't personally get on with Neutrons, as the 2 in one of our venues regularly break and often require cleaning, much more regularly than our Unique 1. They were chosen as they supposedly don't get through fluid as quickly as the Uniques, but can't say as I've really seen this to be the case, and also, as I say they need a lot more maintenance.



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Hands On are selling Le Maitre Neutron hazer (and any other new Le Maitre Products) for 20% off list price, through to the end of April 2009.






Pea-Soup are a good supplier for the NEutron XS also, they have a bundle deal to get a discounted 4 pack of fluid when you buy the unit as well.

I'd also recommend the extra investment on the DMX remote unit as well, unless it can be plugged in near the bass player at the back!!

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