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Advice on new PA


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Hi Mouse,

I would check out Yamaha small PA packages. We recently bought a tiny 150W system, which for vocals is superb and simple and also very cheap for the quality.

If you get the chance to try them out , go for it.

The 500W versions are even better!

If you upgrade to something like DB or Bose etc, then you will still have the perfect thing for foldback / monitor purposes.

I love the sound of them-------its almost like "transparent" amplification, loud enough and no colouration.

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Ok, thanks Ill look into the Yamaha speakers!


By the way is there a difference between D&B and Db Technologies???? Or are they the same company. Ive seen hire companies with D&B speakers, but I cant seem to find them for sale anywhere, I know they will be expensive, Im just looking out of interest!



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They are different companies.


As for speakers, I have a couple of pairs of dB Technologies Basic 100s. They are great cabs for the price and weight.


You can get a pair for about £350 from dolphin music.


If you get a pair of matching subs, I think they might serve you well.



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The biggest difference you could imagine!


db Technologies = budget brand with various products that might or might not be any good

d&b Audiotechnik = top of the range professional products getting into multiple thousand pounds for each speaker


To get prices for d&b (don't, you'll scare yourself) contact the likes of Entec who are d&b dealers.

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Bose... Why do they bother? God love 'em for their efforts in bandpass box design but they should stick to making nice stereos for people who wear shades in winter and go on for hours about how nice their speakers look.
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Ah steady on with Bose. As much as I really don't like the 802, it was a wonderfully simple and at the time, uniquely effective answer to the problem of controlling a speaker's dispersion even if it did have several pitfalls (sensitivity being one of them).


Nonetheless, Bose is one to be avoided IMO :unsure:


You'll struggle to find any prices for d&b Audiotechnik kit online, they like to keep it that way. Don't confuse them with dB Technologies (a completely different company). I've got a dB Technologies sub and it's a great little piece of kit for the price I paid (which was next to nothing).


d&b Audiotechnik however, make speakers which don't cut corners, and have a price tag to show it. If you get a chance to hear the J-series, you'll know what I mean.

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d&b Audiotechnik however, make speakers which don't cut corners, and have a price tag to show it. If you get a chance to hear the J-series, you'll know what I mean.


The J-series from D&B are actually the best speakers I've ever heard. So much depth, I was actually amazed how good they sounded.

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Like they say, if you have to ask the price you can't afford it. Suffice it to say you'd need to multiply your budget by at least 10 to get a pair of d&b speakers. Then add another couple of grand for the amp.
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Nonetheless, Bose is one to be avoided IMO :unsure:


Without hijacking the thread too much, I appreciate that sound engineers worldwide love to slate Bose (and that there are sevaral instances where this is probably justified) but they have some good newer products, and their modeller software and auralisation system is very useful.

Also, they have some pretty good technical and research guys working for them on the pro audio side. They make products that fit a particular niche. Pity about the marketing stuff, but at least they provide more technical details nowadays.

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As I previously alluded to, Bose have come up with some genuinely groundbreaking concepts and some really clever products. They just ruin it all by continuing to attempt to sell some of them 20 years after they should have been retired.


Am I the only one to burst into tears every time I see an 802?


Just as a quick caveat, I'm the first one to stick up for unpopular brands (see my Peavey posts - I'll never be able to go out in public again dammit!). I've had, however, a fair amount of experience with Bose and I've never found that the results of the kit justify the price they charge. My personal opinion but, I hope, an informed one nonetheless.


Too many edits but for the OP's benefit: I doubt that you'll be looking at a Bose system for your 400 quid so please don't be sidetracked.

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Hey, I dont mind you hijacking the thread, I'm learning here!


Ive been looking on eBay quite a bit recently and I think my best bet at the moment will be some second hand Peavey Hisys speakers and either a Tamp 1050 bought new, or if I get lucky and find a second hand QSC amp, I might be willing to pay a little bit more.


But I'm still open to suggestions, also looking for some monitors at a good price which I will need after getting the PA.




Thanks for your help!

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