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Laser display


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I have an rgb laser which I use on my mobile dj rig which is set on a 15 minute program that cycles. I usually turn it on an hour or so into the evening and leave it be until the end. I wonder if anyone with experience with lasers has some advice on essential laser programming. Should the laser turn on and off is smaller cycles to create a bigger impact, should the laser only be used at the pinnacle of a music set etc. The first lesson ive learnt so far is dont start it up too early or people will just want to sit and stare at it instead of dancing. if anyone has any lasershow experience/advice it would be appreciated.
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I have an rgb laser which I use on my mobile dj rig which is set on a 15 minute program that cycles. I usually turn it on an hour or so into the evening and leave it be until the end. I wonder if anyone with experience with lasers has some advice on essential laser programming. Should the laser turn on and off is smaller cycles to create a bigger impact, should the laser only be used at the pinnacle of a music set etc. The first lesson ive learnt so far is dont start it up too early or people will just want to sit and stare at it instead of dancing. if anyone has any lasershow experience/advice it would be appreciated.

The usual response to this sort of question is maybe ask in a more DJ oriented forum...

The Blue Room is predominantly theatre and production types (though admittedly we do have several DJs).

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It may well have a duty cycle, but that should be in the manufacturers instructions. To give you an idea, I have a 280mw RY which recommends running for around 3 hours on then off for 30mins and so on.


How it is used within your show is down to you. What do you think looks best? Imagine yourself as a customer and decide what would or would not impress you.

Personally I like lasers to be used as a 'special' effect, used for particular track or genre or tempo, rather than just left on.

Programming wise, unless you have some serious top-end kit, you are limited. If it has DMX, it is most likely that it allows you to select from a series of preset patterns. I tend to just use the DMX function to select between off and either auto run or music (beat) run.

It won't stop anyone dancing!! If they are just looking at it and not dancing, then they wouldn't be dancing anyway.


Its bound to be mentioned here soon, as discos tend to be oblivious to such things, but you are aware of all the safety aspects of using lasers, and have knowledge of the relevent H&S guidelines? You may also not be insured, as many PLI suppliers will exclude use of lasers unless you make special arrangements with them. Check the small print!


Allow me to point you to: MDD forum it is one of the better forums, run by professional DJs and as such is very well moderated and trys to maintain high standards, in much the same way as the Blue Room. Standards such as no 'txt' talk, not tolerating trolls or those who 'slag off' others.

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Not so long ago an RGB laser was fully in the if you have to ask the price you can`t afford it league..


Personally would use it as a very special, special effect, introduce it out of a blackout later in the evning when people think they`ve seen all your rig in action, dinnae want to use up all the tricks early.


www.photonlexicon.com is a helpful specialist laser forum for refernece as well.

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