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Anyone know comapnies in the NY area?

Keeper of the Keys

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//I know this probably is more of a classifieds topic, but the chance that someone who can help me because they happen to know a company and read that forum seems so low, sorry...

In about a month from now I am going to be spending about 2 month in the New York/New Jersey area, and I was really hoping to also work a bit while I am there to broaden my experience (I have the luxury of being able to work legally in America).

I have been trying to find lighting companies in that area with google searches but to no avail, it seems that while the British Light & Sound scene is very present online the American professional scene shines through it's non-presence.

Yes the various unions have websites but they are not the employers, the companies that employ don't seem to have sites....

(Searches that I did only showed me stores that sell DJ equipment and stuff like that, not companies that provide lighting in say a theatre..)


So if anyone knows companies in that area I would really appreciate it if they could provide me with some contact information....


Also does anyone have an explanation for the seeming lack of a web-presence of the US technicians (or the just so much higher web-presence of Brithish technicians)?

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Actually, in most cases the unions are the defacto employers, and New York is the very epicentre of the (deeply corrupt and unfair) union system. I wouldn't imagine you'll be able to find much there without IATSE involvement - and unless you joined the union when you were 5, don't hold your breath for any decent work....


Did I mention that I'm not a big fan of the union?

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The Local 1 pretty much owns NYC but you might be able to find off broadway work - problem is there's a reason those spaces arent union - they pay horribly, not enough to live on in nyc I'm afraid. Your more liklely to find work at a dealer/distributer like barbizon. Ask around while your there, it's a huge network so I'm sure you'll find something.
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